This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY! I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
According to

According to the 01/09/11
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
More stuff

You have to love Techno every now and then and I adore this--anyone know how to copy this and put it ona CD so I could listen to it inthe car?
He was just full of knowledge about Judy, and so much fun and silliness that it made my first Oz

Well Wednesday the neighbors finally had their tree removed from their home and it took about 9 guys five hours to do all the work. I took a lot of digital pictures that I have to send them yet.
Thursday night I have to say I fainted/fell again, right before going to bed, didn't hurt myself some minor bruising but nothing thankfully serious. I also have to say I fainted/fell today in the backyard. Of course the side without the bruing but again I guess I lucked out as no real damge

The hand tremors seem to be lasting longer and I am trying my damnest to adjust but I have to admit it has been very emotionally trying for me. The tremors and loss of feeling seems worse in my right hand, and with me being right handed it is taking longer to do some things till the tremors and loss of feeling goes away. For the most part it is my pinkie finger, ring finger and middle finger on my right hand that are the worst which makes holding things at times very difficult. I am going to speak with my doctor next week about getting a second opinion or seeing a specialist.
I want to share so people know whatis going on and not necessarily complain about, I am trying to adjust as my HIV Specialist recommended but as I have said before and will continue saying it has been very hard emotionally for me to do so. I hope you will join me in praying about this matter and remember my friends I pray for all of you often.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
We're back home

Homes evacatued, the turnpike closed both ways there for awhile and traveling we are told was nightmarish. All in all we had a fantastic time at the "Wizard of Oz Festival" and will most definetely be doing it again. Our trip home was good and no real problems.
However we here had a huge strom with toms of wind and the neighbor right across the street from our home lost a tree that FELL on their home, if it had fallen the other way guess were it would had BEEN!!!! So we are not only fortunate but we are thankful. The neighbors with the tree on their home has a 15 ton crane scheduled sometime tomorrow to come remove the tree. I will be on my porch if all goes well watchig "the boys" remove the tree, nothing like a handsome guy working and me watching
I am also happy to say that this trip for me was very life changing in so many ways and I would like to share that with all of faithful readers....... I am going to have to say that there is

Danny is 83 years old and put on a 45 minute drag show at the gala that in my opinion brought the house down and when talking and meeting with Danny one on one I was told he still works a 40 hour week at Meyers as a Greeter in Michigan--talk about tireless.
The second and probably the most life changing meeting was Caren Marsh-Doll, who was Judy Garland's stand in for Oz and is almost 90 years. I was very fortunate to be sitting directly behind Caren at the "Yellow Brick Road Shop" gala party they had when I won my blanket--one of only 30 made--and I was stunned and crying because at that point I didn't even have enough money to buy one. I off handedly said "I never win anything" and Caren said, Charlie your luck has changed. Well we had a few conversations this weekend of and on one of which I will be shgaring later but Caren gave me so much hope--she still dances at 90 and teaches at 90. So Mrs. Doll if you are reading this--THANK you so you sweetly---for doing it so neatly.... I am now one of your biggest fans.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
trying to cope

For me what makes it so difficult is that repair wise I have gotten very precious little done and the work keeps coming in. There are two jobs I am already one month behind on and several that are due this month that are not even started. I did work yesterday for a brief period of time in my sewing room and got to feeling rather lousy and got up to leave the room and fell again. At least it wasn't down stairs or something just as stupid.
I came down stairs after getting my bearings straightened out after falling and rested--which I have done like the doctor suggested, but we will get back to that in a bit. Sat and watched some television and worked on my "winter project" a counted cross stitch of the "Wizard Of Oz" its the shot of the shoes, the yellow brick road that you see on some
DVD covers.

Anyway, Jim came home for like and it was nice, he left to go back to work after his half hour, I went and laid down for my nap--which has become a regular staple since the doctors visit and slept for 5 solid hours. The house could have fell on my head I would have slept through it I swear .
Got up, went to the rest room and went to go lay back down and before getting to the bed, FELL AGAIN---this time in the kitchen. Went and laid down for about another half hour and than slowly and tenderly took the dogs out to go to the bathroom.
Speaking of my dogs--Jackie and Glinda-- they have been a G-d send, so supportive and loving and " I want to be with you, because I know your feeling bad". Both sleeping right beside me the entire time. Its hard for to explain what they and I have been through but having them here makes the world of difference.
So, I would like to have you pray that I am not like this when we leave on Wednesday for our vacation to Chesterton and the Wizard of Oz Festival, and that I am not falling or sleeping
through the whole thing.

I am also going to talk with my doctor about the possibility of getting a referral to either the Mayo Clinic or The Cleveland Clinic to be seen by someone to figure out if there is more here than meets the eye. I am not sure if there is or isn't but I do know that right now, for the time being it does have the better of me. Saying alone has not been easy to admit and trying to "live with it" has been even harder.
I have believe it or not tried doing as Eckardt Tolle suggested in those online "New Earth " classes that---this is not who I am it is just what is going on on that this moment--- well as I am sure you can imagine that has been easy either but I continue to try.
I will try to post before we leave on Wednesday and until next time thank you for reading......
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The excitement builds.......

We are literally signed up and pre-paid for darn near every paid event there is, and have

With that said though is some concern on my part the last few days if I am going to be able to keep up with the schedule of things as I have been sleeping in the middle of the day for about 5 hours, which would seriously cut into my "Oz time" if you will. I look at it this way, might as well sleeep now in hopes I won't need as much when we get there.
I did start three new vitamins to my regular routine and no real huge changes yet, but I figure it takes time. The doll work has been slow with my sleeping so much but there isn't much I can do about it, it has gotten alittle better as far as it coming in for me to work on it. Today I took in the largest Effanbee "Bubbles" that was made and it has its original clothing which is to cool.

1). No one ever grows old in Oz, unless he/or she wish to. This also applies to how old you are as you get to pick how old you are. This idea alone is worth going
2). No one ever gets sick or dies in Oz or can be destroyed.

4). I have come to the conclusion for me at the least that everyone I ever knew and loved is already there in Oz, just waiting for me.
5). And lastly, the existance is Oz is always an unadventure that turns out fine in the end and like the books and the people who wirte about Oz, the story never ends.
For those in or close to the Ohio area I have exciting news the incredible Jim Bailey is coming to the Canton Palace on January 31, 2009. Those unaware of Jim Bailey he is mostly known for his uncanny visiual and vocal impersaonations of Judy Garland. Liza has said in the past "It is like being in the room with Mama". The following below is a "Youtube" clip of Jim in action and yes kids that is HIS voice. Well until next time, keep me in your prayers as all of you are in mine.
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