Well as many of you that read this blog we are finally taking a vaction, the first one since National Barbie Doll Convention in Chicago. I will say it is well needed. As many of you know we are going to Chesterton IN. for the Wizard Of Oz Festival and in all honesty I have never looked so forward to anything like this in a long time. As of today we are nine days away--for all of you who like more information here is there web link
http://www.wizardofozfestival.org/ and it has all of the information you could possibly ever want.
We are literally signed up and pre-paid for darn near every paid event there is, and have

volunteered about an hour of our time to one of the booths.
With that said though is some concern on my part the last few days if I am going to be able to keep up with the schedule of things as I have been sleeping in the middle of the day for about 5 hours, which would seriously cut into my "Oz time" if you will. I look at it this way, might as well sleeep now in hopes I won't need as much when we get there.
I did start three new vitamins to my regular routine and no real huge changes yet, but I figure it takes time. The doll work has been slow with my sleeping so much but there isn't much I can do about it, it has gotten alittle better as far as it coming in for me to work on it. Today I took in the largest Effanbee "Bubbles" that was made and it has its original clothing which is to cool.

I did want to some time talking about ".....enjoying Oz now...." as my friend Christina put it, I have for the longest time have realted Oz to the place of eternal rest, a place one wants to go to before they die, so they can live forever a life they knew. The following are some of my points that are mentioned in books that make me believe Oz is as heaven........
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