This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY! I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
According to Examiner.com

According to the Examiner.com---since 01/09/11
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The Silence

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Well I don't know where the majority of this year has gone but here we are at Memorial Day Weekend already, the season begins to travel ( some of us done the Yellow Brick Road), go to the beach, start are summer reading, attend graduation parties, have Bar-B-Ques and even plant gardens.
For many of us from the old school of thought it is also the time of the year where we pause and remember those close to our hearts that we have lost--- Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Spouses, Lovers/Companions. And for some of us remembering those we have lost to war. Those men and women who gave their lives so we have the freedoms and liberties we do today.
Whether we agree with the war in Iraq or not, whether we agree with the policies and procedures of this current administration or not... these men and woman give of themselves freely and many with their lives. It isn't about policital parties, public aggreement or disapproval its about those in service.
I have noticed many of these men and woman who have died in this current war are well under 30 years old and for such a young life to end so suddenly is tragic at best. A sacrifice many of us could not begin to understand. For those families who have lost a loved one in this war or any war at any time, my thoughts and prayers go ou to you and may you somehow find comfort.
So until this war is over my prayers are with our troops for G-d's safety while they are there, a speedy end to this war and that all who remain there come home safely, healthy and alive.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
A life lived

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Yolando King dies yesterday
ATLANTA (May 16) - Yolanda Denise King, daughter and eldest child of civil rights leader the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., has died, said Steve Klein, a spokesman for the King Center.
Yolanda Denise King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr., spoke to the media in the Netherlands in January. She was the most visible and outspoken child of the civil rights leader. King died late Tuesday in Santa Monica, Calif., at age 51. Klein said the family did not know the cause of death but think it might have been a heart problem.
Born on Nov. 17, 1955, in Montgomery, Ala., King was just an infant when her home was bombed during the turbulent civil rights era. As an actress, she appeared in numerous films and even played Rosa Parks in the 1978 miniseries "King." She also appeared in "Ghosts of Mississippi." She founded a production company called Higher Ground Productions.
King was also an author and advocate for peace and nonviolence. Her death comes more than a year after the death of her mother, Coretta Scott King. Yolanda King is survived by her sister, the Rev. Bernice A. King; two brothers, Martin Luther King III and Dexter Scott King; and an extended family.
Arrangements would be announced later, the family said in a statement. Yolanda King was the most visible and outspoken among the Kings' four children during activities honoring this year's Martin Luther King Day in January, the first since Coretta Scott King's death.
At her father's former Atlanta church, Ebenezer Baptist, she performed a series of one-actor skits on King Day this year that told stories including a girl's first ride on a desegregated bus and a college student's recollection of the 1963 desegregation of Birmingham, Ala.
She also urged the audience at Ebenezer to be a force for peace and love, and to use the King holiday each year in January to ask tough questions about their own beliefs on prejudice. "We must keep reaching across the table and, in the tradition of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, feed each other," King said.
When asked then by The Associated Press how she was dealing with the loss of her mother, King responded: "I connected with her spirit so strongly. I am in direct contact with her spirit, and that has given me so much peace and so much strength."
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Ever have one of those blue days.......
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Gardening and such

Yesterday here was just gorgeous so Jim and I spent the morning weeding the flower beds as every now and then I just have to break away from the dolly work, it seems to get to me at times if you know what I mean. Like at times its all I freaking do--somehow I want more than that I am just not sure exactly what it is I want at times.
with clarifying who you are and what you want.
Not just things--things are easy. I mean the stuff that really matters.
Life isn't just about what you can have; it's about what you have to give.
What kind of person do you want to be?"
-- Oprah Winfrey
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I went to day to my General Practioner today for my check up and my weight is back to 200 pounds even after being 150 at Christmas--feeling a little fat honestly but doc says I look great. I have a new cream for the psorasis on my chest of all places, and this itty bitty rash/bumps on both my hands, plus a new sleeping pill as I have had these horrid nightmares about every 3 days where I am attending my own funeral. VERY creepy indeed--according to Kabbalah there is a deep seeded message in dreams I just for the life of me have to figure it out.
Well the tulips are finished, the lilacs are still in full bloom and now I have miniature Iris in bloom, tonight we got Lily of the Vallet from the neighbor as she was thinning them out. Have been trying to grow cucumber from seeds from indoors and so far not even a hint of anything, maybe have to buy them already started. Would like to grow tomatoes as well this year.
This afternoon was spent listing 3 paintings on E-bay and honestly I will be more than thrilled if just one sells. Maybe have to offer up a burnt Barbie sacrifice to the g-ds for it to happen but so be it
Sunday, May 6, 2007
True Colors

This piece was actually the start of the end of "my dark period" and probably is my second favorite after the Anna Nicole piece. I think because it is so abstract, reveals so much but yet is coy--powerful yet thought provoking--a real look into what at the time was making me tick if you will. My first painting if you will of a nude. I have drawn them before but until now not painted one.
I have bought a few books to learn how to draw the nude better and may paint something more life like as I go along. This is done in acrylics as well and measures 22x28. This is also the first piece I varnished myself versus paying the studio where I take lessons to varnish it for me--a savings in the long run considering the amount I have been painting.
I have one I am working on now and 2 more drawn out and my brother you was by Saturday gave me more canvases to paint as well--he's a sweet kid. He and his wife started moving in the non-essentials this weekend and should hopefully have their move completed by June first so we have new upstairs tenants and my soon to be 7 year old nephew as well. Like I said a few days back it will be nice having them closer-- Well gang till tomorrow--- Shalom
"The Start of a Dark Period"

The painting is bigger than the drawing and without the frame measures 24x36, is painted in acrylic paints and as you can tell is only in black and white. The drawing was done in a very dark time in my life when all of my friends were dying around me from AIDS, I had gone from just and HI+ diagnosis myself to on of AIDS and 15 years we knew not nearly what we do today. I was very scared, very angry and literally ready to die myself--only having been HIV+ a year.
The painting as well as the drawing was the three faces of death-- those just finding out they are going to die, those closer to death and maybe even lingering and those dead. Many who saw it originally thought immediately of something from the Holocaust and maybe to some degree it is--My personal Holocaust of living with AIDS. Many people in the years that have seen the drawing either loved the piece or hated it. The paints make the piece MUCH darker/morose than the original but in my mind so be it.
This is also the painting that had a lady acquaintance in my Art Classes worried that I was on the verge of a Mental Collapse. Granted it still is the darkest thing I have ever done in my life but it states where I have been a few times in my life and most recently when I lost "my Ron" to AIDS. It is something I rarely talk about, and I hardly ever share my thoughts on my own future as well--I try only to stay focused on this moment only and nothing more--for after all it is all that we really have.
So for all those innocent lives lost now almost 65 years ago in the Holocaust, for the millions of innocents who have died and are dying of AIDS-- I hope and I pray-----
Happy Cinco de Mayo
Friday, May 4, 2007
This last week

I am sure many of you realte to that feeling that at times it just all gets a little overwhelming, and that you need to take the time to slow down and enjoy life as it comes along. So while in Cleveland Wednesday I did stop for about 20 minutes and enjoy the beach at Lake Erie, a little early in the season and a little chilly right on the lake but it was so peaceful and beautiful and actually rolled up my pants and walked barefoot in the semi-warm sand. Hopefully I can get back as it gets warmer.
Today was rather quiet doing errands and such, nothing spectacular but a change from the norm. The lilac bush imn the back yard is in full bloom and brought in some branches indoors to enjoy the fragrance as well. When it was time to go to bed I set them on the window seat next to the bed so we could smell them all night. The say it helps the memory--we will see, here lately a little scatter brained
Spent part of yesterday seeting up "saved posts" for the new paintings that should be in this site in the next few days so stayed tuned. I think you willlike the posts, the paintings and the "Youtube" vidoes that go with the paintings/posts. The below "Youtube" is for all of you that have been there for me, believed in me, supported me thru the rough times, encouraged my work and have been my friends thru the thick and thin. G-d bless you all and thank you for "Always being there to love me"
Peace out
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Lamb Of G-d

This next painting was done before Easter and was displayed in our church Narthax on the good Friday Evening service. It was painted in what some have called my "Dark Period", which may or may not be over.....
It was a place I was in for over a month and I felt it shared what I was feeling and emotionally going thru without my ever saying a word. An acquaintance I barely know said that she "was concerned that I was on the verge of an emotional collapse"--not nearly that severe just as they say in some religious circles--- "in the valley of the shadow of death" and feeling very alone and vulnerable. It's called "Lamb of G-d" and is posted below this "Youtube clip" that fits this painting perfectly. So enjoy the painting and Ms. Mahalia Jackson.............
My loving tribute to...... Anna Nicole Smith

I didn't realize till a few weeks ago that she like countless of my friends died before she was 40. What a tremedously sad story and sad ending, if only somehow I had known her to have maybe helped. Born November 28th, 1967 died February 8th, 2007 Rest in Peace Anna.
This very touching "Youtube" video I found so you can see more clips of her as you also see the painting which I called "Darling...Anna Nicole". I am sure it won't be the last time I paint her.