I went to day to my General Practioner today for my check up and my weight is back to 200 pounds even after being 150 at Christmas--feeling a little fat honestly but doc says I look great. I have a new cream for the psorasis on my chest of all places, and this itty bitty rash/bumps on both my hands, plus a new sleeping pill as I have had these horrid nightmares about every 3 days where I am attending my own funeral. VERY creepy indeed--according to Kabbalah there is a deep seeded message in dreams I just for the life of me have to figure it out.
Well the tulips are finished, the lilacs are still in full bloom and now I have miniature Iris in bloom, tonight we got Lily of the Vallet from the neighbor as she was thinning them out. Have been trying to grow cucumber from seeds from indoors and so far not even a hint of anything, maybe have to buy them already started. Would like to grow tomatoes as well this year.
This afternoon was spent listing 3 paintings on E-bay and honestly I will be more than thrilled if just one sells. Maybe have to offer up a burnt Barbie sacrifice to the g-ds for it to happen but so be it
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