Well I don't know where the majority of this year has gone but here we are at Memorial Day Weekend already, the season begins to travel ( some of us done the Yellow Brick Road), go to the beach, start are summer reading, attend graduation parties, have Bar-B-Ques and even plant gardens.
For many of us from the old school of thought it is also the time of the year where we pause and remember those close to our hearts that we have lost--- Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Spouses, Lovers/Companions. And for some of us remembering those we have lost to war. Those men and women who gave their lives so we have the freedoms and liberties we do today.
Whether we agree with the war in Iraq or not, whether we agree with the policies and procedures of this current administration or not... these men and woman give of themselves freely and many with their lives. It isn't about policital parties, public aggreement or disapproval its about those in service.
I have noticed many of these men and woman who have died in this current war are well under 30 years old and for such a young life to end so suddenly is tragic at best. A sacrifice many of us could not begin to understand. For those families who have lost a loved one in this war or any war at any time, my thoughts and prayers go ou to you and may you somehow find comfort.
So until this war is over my prayers are with our troops for G-d's safety while they are there, a speedy end to this war and that all who remain there come home safely, healthy and alive.
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