Well we are at the end of another month somehow and granted there were a few days where I did not post like I should have, there are days where I feel like I have little to say so I don't blog. I meant to blog yesterday and talk about the plagues/miracles the the Egyptians were exposed to during what lead up to Passover night.
The story can be found in Exodus and the first miracle was Moses throwing down his staff and it turning into a snake. Unfortunately the magicians of the Pharaoh did the same feat. I wanted to take the time and ask what have we cast aside recently? Something that we may no longer need, something we no longer want, something we don't want to be "addicted to"-- clothes that don't fit anymore, a habit we want to quit, a good book, our fear, our shame, our fear or even our greed. Maybe we need someone in our lives to help us quit, or get rid of what we no longer need. Sometimes it is easier if we have support than if we are alone facing a challenge. Having someone helping also gives you someone to talk to if you need to especially if we are quitting something like smoking, drinking over eating or even starting to work out. This miracle can occur everyday if we just reach out and speak to someone else instead of "bearing the weight alone". Facing our fears of rejection and uninvolvement.
The second miracle and the first Plague against the people of Egypt was Moses turning the river into blood. As we all know no one could not exist long without water and especially in a day and age with no faucets with running water or bottles of water availbale at your local grocer. Nothing to drink, nothing to clean with, nothing to do your laundry in or even bathe in. This plague if it had been drawn out would have brought a halt to everything that the Egyptians knew.
I am going to have to expose myself here and say that it is hard to bring this plague/miracle into modern day terms but I have to say that the one thing that has changed my life inside out, upside down, and inside out is AIDS. Nineteen years this July and for the first time being in school and getting my education has made me feel that I had given AIDS to much power and control over my life. That for the first having AIDS simply doesn't matter.
As I have said before and will say again I am sure AIDS in all reality has taken so very much from my life in the nineteen years but I also have to admit AIDS has given me so much as well. It has given a huge amount of courage to face the unknown, it has given me a gentle, loving, caring, giving heart. AIDS made me grow up and rather fast but in the process I found who I was. I knew what I would and would not accept. I knew I didn't have to put up, if I have to be frank, with a lot of shit from people. But I also knew I personally wasn't going to be "playing a lot of the games" people play either. I grew to be honest, you know what I think and why.
I don't know if I would be the person I am today if things were different. Passover as some of you may now forsome Jews is a time of reflection and inner inspection and as a Jew by choice I choose to abide by that thinking--a time of inner inspection and reflection. To have that ability to do just that I am thankful. So until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY! I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
According to Examiner.com

According to the Examiner.com---since 01/09/11
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Passover thoughts
Well tonight at sundown began Passover. I am sure many of you are familiar with the Biblical story of Moses and the Hebrew people trying to leave Egypt. What followed of course was a series of plagues, a journey to the Dead Sea, the Dead Sea waters parting and the Hebrews crossing safely. The Egyptians were not so lucky followed by the Hebrews wandering for 40 years in the desert.
I believe there are those among us who live in environments that we are not to live; environments of temption, places that are out right sinful in nature,spaces of addiction, places of pain, turmoil and trial. Places where we do learn many times the hard way, but yet lessons we will never forget. For many of us we are tried by our own plagues, some of them very personal that we may never share with another human being and some that we chose to share with those that are closest to us.
Some of us wander for years trying to find who we really are, where we need to be, what we need to be doing and for some us we even struggle with what we really deeply think and belive. Some of us have watched in horror as our friends died around us from the plagues of our day--Cancer, obesity, AIDS, heart disease and a countless list of other diseases,
It is my deepest hope that this Passover that we take the time to remember where we have been, what we have lived through, where we are going and where we are even now. May we also realize that being spiritual doesn't really mean that we have to be religious or even attend church/temple. The holy lives in us, through us and challenges us to take the next steps we need to take. May you find strength, courage, hope and peace by these thoughts and may your Passover be sacred. Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
I believe there are those among us who live in environments that we are not to live; environments of temption, places that are out right sinful in nature,spaces of addiction, places of pain, turmoil and trial. Places where we do learn many times the hard way, but yet lessons we will never forget. For many of us we are tried by our own plagues, some of them very personal that we may never share with another human being and some that we chose to share with those that are closest to us.
Some of us wander for years trying to find who we really are, where we need to be, what we need to be doing and for some us we even struggle with what we really deeply think and belive. Some of us have watched in horror as our friends died around us from the plagues of our day--Cancer, obesity, AIDS, heart disease and a countless list of other diseases,
It is my deepest hope that this Passover that we take the time to remember where we have been, what we have lived through, where we are going and where we are even now. May we also realize that being spiritual doesn't really mean that we have to be religious or even attend church/temple. The holy lives in us, through us and challenges us to take the next steps we need to take. May you find strength, courage, hope and peace by these thoughts and may your Passover be sacred. Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Happy Palm Sunday
A fast note to wish all of my readers who are of a Christian Faith a very blessed Palm Sunday. Lucky me Friday started my spring breal from school this coming week. It means tons of old doll work for means Kent State sprang on me a bill that will be due on May 18 for the summer semeseter of $1,500. SO hopefully I can get that much work done in a weeks time. Through in that the Fashion show is also due to Main Branch by the 9th of next month it's going to be lots of work.
Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
waiting for Spring break
Another day another dollar some say, but actually my question is where is the dollar? I have some photographs of the guest bedroom Jim and I finished last year that I want to get to get developed so I can post them here and let you all see some of my handy work. Painting class is going well and our assignment about Pschysological space is about done. I want to to show that picture here as well as I feel it is one of the most powerful things I have ever done. Use of color and space to show emotion, it has been challenging but I have grown so much in the process.
I got my midterm letter of excellence today from the school and for the first time in a long time I have felt very proud of my achievements, I know I have never worked harder in my life for it. As I have said before in this space I just want it so damn bad! I don't know if I could articualte how badly I want it. I just know I do. Things here have been pretty much the same, but I am really looking forward to Spring Break and some downtime. The fatigue seems to be acting up again and it has me somewhat concerned about the Spring semester but I know I have to pull through somehow and just do all the hours that will be required of me.
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
I got my midterm letter of excellence today from the school and for the first time in a long time I have felt very proud of my achievements, I know I have never worked harder in my life for it. As I have said before in this space I just want it so damn bad! I don't know if I could articualte how badly I want it. I just know I do. Things here have been pretty much the same, but I am really looking forward to Spring Break and some downtime. The fatigue seems to be acting up again and it has me somewhat concerned about the Spring semester but I know I have to pull through somehow and just do all the hours that will be required of me.
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Rainy day's and Monday's
Well another sure sign of spring today our first March shower and brother has it rained, some lightening tonight but no real thunder. I got back my History of Civilization 2 test today and I am thriled beyond words, I got a 94%--unfreaking believable huh!
I started the hem in the jacket as well as the lace around the neckline which that I am doing all by hand. I think I am out of my mindthat or I have issues of being a perfectionist. Which if you know me well it is a little of both .
I was speaking with a friend of mine today over lunch and it hit me big time that for me fashion has really almost taken over my entire life as I know it. It is all I think about from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed. It is finally what I was born to do! Doll work has been slow because of all the homework and the bad economy, but if I have to be honest my heart is JUST NOT IN IT anymore! Sad but true, it is a shame in way as I know so much about the topic. It seems like at times I just dread doing it,maybe the feeling will pass. If it doesn't I guess I just deal with it till I have all the current work done and picked up.
When not thinking fashion my mind still revolves around my idol Judy Garland, will till the day I die. Thereis some sad news my home PC which all ofmy Judy pictures did a memory dump so I LOST EVERYTHING! Al my Judy pictures, all my Oz pictures, my play that I have workedon for over a year, all the fashion stuff I had on it gone! It is going to take foreverto get it all back but I guess I am going to at least try.
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together!
I started the hem in the jacket as well as the lace around the neckline which that I am doing all by hand. I think I am out of my mind
I was speaking with a friend of mine today over lunch and it hit me big time that for me fashion has really almost taken over my entire life as I know it. It is all I think about from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to bed. It is finally what I was born to do! Doll work has been slow because of all the homework and the bad economy, but if I have to be honest my heart is JUST NOT IN IT anymore! Sad but true, it is a shame in way as I know so much about the topic. It seems like at times I just dread doing it,maybe the feeling will pass. If it doesn't I guess I just deal with it till I have all the current work done and picked up.
When not thinking fashion my mind still revolves around my idol Judy Garland, will till the day I die. Thereis some sad news my home PC which all ofmy Judy pictures did a memory dump so I LOST EVERYTHING! Al my Judy pictures, all my Oz pictures, my play that I have workedon for over a year, all the fashion stuff I had on it gone! It is going to take foreverto get it all back but I guess I am going to at least try.
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
A long day
Well it has been one of those days that just seem to drag on with what seems like very little done. I did however get the lining for the jacket for the HUNGER event cut out and sewn in for the most part. I do have to sew in the hem for the sleeves and the hem of the jacket yet. Tomorrow morning starts early with all of my homework that I didn't finish as this seemed to be my "crash" weekend where all wanted to do was sleep. I guess I have just learned to listen to what my body needs or I suffer even more.
By the way for those who may not recognizethe photographit is of John Galliano who designs for Dior and this photograh is one of my favorites of him! Would love to have my moustache look like that!
I am really beginning to love my laptop and most of my computer work has been done it, I may never go back to a personal computer with a desk again. Like this morning I was so yucky feeling I grabbed my laptop and the dogs and we all read my emails in bed together with some tea. Something that before now I could have never been done. All nice and cozy in bed and still on the computer with the loves of my life---Jackie, Glinda and Toto!
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together--maybe tomorrow I can get more done!
By the way for those who may not recognizethe photographit is of John Galliano who designs for Dior and this photograh is one of my favorites of him! Would love to have my moustache look like that!
I am really beginning to love my laptop and most of my computer work has been done it, I may never go back to a personal computer with a desk again
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together--maybe tomorrow I can get more done!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"Art Of Dressmaking" Buterrick
Well a few days ago Jim and I went antique shopping, actually more like window shopping and I found this little gem of a book. It is "The Art of Dressmaking" By the Butterick Company which was entered at teh Stationers' Hall, London England and was published in 1927.
It is basically this book about everything you ever needed to know in odrer to sew and sew well. I have ben sewing now almost literally 40 years of my life and the biggest reason I bought this book was because of the great illustrations that are included in it. The book price by the way was $5.00. While we were in Amish country I bougt all of the material I needed for the outfit for the Hunger benefit, $60.00 later and a few extra goodies I am all set.
I have the jacket all cut out and mostly put together and tomorrow I cut out the lining for it. It should be just stunning! The dress form is coming in real handy already. Not much on the home front here. The crocus and daffodils are starting to open in the yard which is a very good sign srping is really on the way. Jim has been doing some yard cleanup work another tell tale sign of better weather.
Tomorrow thew plan is homework and more work on this outfit for the upcoming fashion show, so nothing earth shattering and not much to share, but will somehow come up with something. Until then I am so glad we had this time together.
It is basically this book about everything you ever needed to know in odrer to sew and sew well. I have ben sewing now almost literally 40 years of my life and the biggest reason I bought this book was because of the great illustrations that are included in it. The book price by the way was $5.00. While we were in Amish country I bougt all of the material I needed for the outfit for the Hunger benefit, $60.00 later and a few extra goodies I am all set.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Another Upcoming Fashion Show
Well I have another Fashon Show coming up with the Fashion Student Organization in Aurora, Ohio on April 10th. The event is raisng money for Hunger, can't remember the exact organization right now but my deadline is April 9th and the theme is "Color". The event has food, cashbar and a silent auction. Have the fabric for the jacket cut out and will post picture when I have it doen as I want it to be a surprise.
My last painting in my Painting 1 class got an A which I am very pleased with and my Psychological Spaces is coming along butalso challenging and for that I am greatful. Well that is about it for today as it is also "Project Runway" night. Until next time I am glad we had this time together.
My last painting in my Painting 1 class got an A which I am very pleased with and my Psychological Spaces is coming along butalso challenging and for that I am greatful. Well that is about it for today as it is also "Project Runway" night. Until next time I am glad we had this time together.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St. Patrick's Day and "Rainbow"
Well top o' the morning all ye lads and lassies that read this blog and Happy St. Patrick's Day. Started this morning with my gluten sin for the month with Irish raisin bread with jelly with my breakfast. What kind of Irish man would I be without Irish raisin bread. I am born into a very large Irish family on both sides versus the one time a year Irishmen that many people are on St. Patrick's day.
The family's name on my great-great mothers side was O' Patty while on my fathers side my great-fandfather came from Cork County Ireland and his last name before reaching Ellis Island and changing it was O'Daley so as you can see hit from both sides. I am however one of the unfortunate as I really now nothing of my Irish heritage and there are many times I wish I did.
On to the rainbow----"Rainbow: The Stormy Life of Judy Garland" by Christopher Finch which I just finished reading this incredible book about--of course Judy. I can never get my hands on enough things about Judy, who I should point out was I believe also IRISH! Anyway, this book was pubished by Grosset & Dunlap Publishers New York in 1975. Designed by Will Hopkins this book is 255 pages long and is just CRAMMED with photographs and all of this wonderful information about the life, times, trials, triumphs and the end of Judy Garland. If you have read any of the books by John Fricke, this book is not quite that caliber in my opinion but this book does its very best to tell Judy's story from an unbiased, non-judgemental point of view and does succeed in doing so.
The version I have is the second printing and is paperback. I can not remember where I bought it or how much I paid unfortunately but I do because of school it took some to read, because of all my homework. I would highly recommend this book to any serious collection of Judy or Wizard Of Oz items and to wish you happy hunting finding it.
The family's name on my great-great mothers side was O' Patty while on my fathers side my great-fandfather came from Cork County Ireland and his last name before reaching Ellis Island and changing it was O'Daley so as you can see hit from both sides
On to the rainbow----"Rainbow: The Stormy Life of Judy Garland" by Christopher Finch which I just finished reading this incredible book about--of course Judy. I can never get my hands on enough things about Judy, who I should point out was I believe also IRISH! Anyway, this book was pubished by Grosset & Dunlap Publishers New York in 1975. Designed by Will Hopkins this book is 255 pages long and is just CRAMMED with photographs and all of this wonderful information about the life, times, trials, triumphs and the end of Judy Garland. If you have read any of the books by John Fricke, this book is not quite that caliber in my opinion but this book does its very best to tell Judy's story from an unbiased, non-judgemental point of view and does succeed in doing so.
The version I have is the second printing and is paperback. I can not remember where I bought it or how much I paid unfortunately but I do because of school it took some to read, because of all my homework. I would highly recommend this book to any serious collection of Judy or Wizard Of Oz items and to wish you happy hunting finding it.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring Summer DIOR 2010
I had just had to share the latest from one of my all time favorite designers DIOR by John Galliano! Do hope you enjoy, after all I am a Fashion major
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I'm a new techno geek
Well after five months in school I have done it, I am a techno geek. My brother was out this weekend with his income tax money and bought me a BRAND NEW Intel Pentium LAPTOP computer!!! $800 later, I sit on my couch tonight and type this for all of you, Thanks Bro I love you! He really at tmes can be the greatest there is.
He was the one in August when I enrolled and said "Girl, you need an Ipod every college kid has one" I was like oh lord I don;t need that and now all this time later he was right I LOVE the thing and never really listen to the radio anymore! I am sure he will be right about this laptop too, that I will in time love it. He has been talking about since August and frankly I do not have that kind of money so G-d am I grateful beyond words,
He also bought me a used dress from we found for $60 and gave me the money I needed to get my sewing machine serviced before my fashion studio classes in June. I owe him big huh!
There are some things I have to get use to with a laptop versus a desktop computer, the biggest is no mouse but I am sure I will adjust. The keys seem a tiny bit smaller or maybe its because they lay flat but so far now almost 4 hours later after getting it, I love it!
He was the one in August when I enrolled and said "Girl, you need an Ipod every college kid has one" I was like oh lord I don;t need that and now all this time later he was right I LOVE the thing and never really listen to the radio anymore! I am sure he will be right about this laptop too, that I will in time love it. He has been talking about since August and frankly I do not have that kind of money so G-d am I grateful beyond words,
He also bought me a used dress from we found for $60 and gave me the money I needed to get my sewing machine serviced before my fashion studio classes in June. I owe him big huh!
There are some things I have to get use to with a laptop versus a desktop computer, the biggest is no mouse but I am sure I will adjust. The keys seem a tiny bit smaller or maybe its because they lay flat but so far now almost 4 hours later after getting it, I love it!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Change your clocks
Ok kids just a real fast note to DO NOT FORGET to move your clocks ahead an hour tonight---DAY light savings time----which means one thing SPRING!
Friday, March 12, 2010
My favorite Aunt has died
I was deeply saddened yesterday when I got news that my Aunt Violet in Orlando died at 5;30 p.m. She has been rather ill some time now with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease so in some regards she is no longer suffering.
It got me to thinking though about the topic of life after death, as my cousin said when we spoke on the phone, that "she was in heaven on the streets of gold with her parents". This side of my family is still Conservative Southern Baptists but my Aunt Violet was the first extended family who loved me unconditionally, no questions asked when I came out about being gay and when I came forward about having AIDS. She was a big force in helping gather the support I needed from my family.
My Aunt Violet was an amazing woman who I adored more than words can say and it is a shame she is gone, but I am not so sure about this whole life after death idea. Is there life after death as some believe? Did she go to this life in heaven the minute she died? If there is life after death is it just heaven or heaven and hell? Who goes to heaven, who goes to hell, who decides? Or is is death just the end of everything with nothing else?
Questions I have asked myself for years and to some degree I thnk there is only heaven and how we live our lives idetermines how close we live to G-d. A very Jewish train of thought. That the people who do go to hell are the people who do huge injustices to mankind with no remorse or guilt for what they did, another Jewish train of thought.
This whole idea of Conservative thought of getting to heaven has bothered me for my entire life. That there is one one way and that is it, you don't go that way you don't get in--end of story. Some christians refer to it as salvation. Well, just one question does this mean that Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, those who have no faith, Buddahists and all the rest of the "unsaved" go to hell? An entire life dedicated to the G-d you believe in and oh well, you made a mistake.
I think I want to open this idea up with just a simple poll--I don't want preacehd at, tried to be converted, or even preached at. I just want a glimpse into some thinking. In the mean time I hope Aunt Violet does rest in peace and that she knew knew how much I cared. In the meantime I am so glad we had this time together!
It got me to thinking though about the topic of life after death, as my cousin said when we spoke on the phone, that "she was in heaven on the streets of gold with her parents". This side of my family is still Conservative Southern Baptists but my Aunt Violet was the first extended family who loved me unconditionally, no questions asked when I came out about being gay and when I came forward about having AIDS. She was a big force in helping gather the support I needed from my family.
My Aunt Violet was an amazing woman who I adored more than words can say and it is a shame she is gone, but I am not so sure about this whole life after death idea. Is there life after death as some believe? Did she go to this life in heaven the minute she died? If there is life after death is it just heaven or heaven and hell? Who goes to heaven, who goes to hell, who decides? Or is is death just the end of everything with nothing else?
Questions I have asked myself for years and to some degree I thnk there is only heaven and how we live our lives idetermines how close we live to G-d. A very Jewish train of thought. That the people who do go to hell are the people who do huge injustices to mankind with no remorse or guilt for what they did, another Jewish train of thought.
This whole idea of Conservative thought of getting to heaven has bothered me for my entire life. That there is one one way and that is it, you don't go that way you don't get in--end of story. Some christians refer to it as salvation. Well, just one question does this mean that Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, those who have no faith, Buddahists and all the rest of the "unsaved" go to hell? An entire life dedicated to the G-d you believe in and oh well, you made a mistake.
I think I want to open this idea up with just a simple poll--I don't want preacehd at, tried to be converted, or even preached at. I just want a glimpse into some thinking. In the mean time I hope Aunt Violet does rest in peace and that she knew knew how much I cared. In the meantime I am so glad we had this time together!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Midterm GPA and Spring
Well today here in N.E. Ohio was in the low 50's HURRAH Spring! Cute boys on campus back in the shorts another sign of warm weather. As of this week it is also midterm week and as of right nw I have a 3.57 GPA which I was surprised about an in this semester two A's and one B. After all I am working my butt off for it. It just feels good doing well. Not to much here really to talk about today and I am wondering if there are things you my readers would like to see me talk about. Any one with any ideas?
So "youtube" wise something fun and light--very dance-able!
So "youtube" wise something fun and light--very dance-able!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Workin' It by RuPaul
I admit it I HAD to read this book, the minute it came out I had to have it. I know it wil never be a New York Times Best Seller but this fun, campy advice book is all heart and then some. "Workin" It: RuPaul's Guide to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Style" is this light frothy confection that I read in an afternoon, because once I started I couldn't put it down.
This is Rupaul's second book and while a paperback it for me was worth the investment, would it be for you who knows but I DO reccomend this. With advice on life, drag, diet, wigs, makeup, style and happiness this book came of as a help self style of read for me and the photogrpahs well dahlinks they are FIERCE! At $20.00 at Borders this for me me is the MUST READ book of the year!
Published by Harper Collins Publishers this gem is 176 pages in length and LOADED with exquisite photograhs including Rupaul dressed as both Michelle and Barack Obama.
Some advice from Rupaul:
"If you say your going to do something, then by George, you better do it. Being true to word is important because you don;t want to lose trust in yourself. Lying is despicable, and when you can't even trust yourself it's the worst. It goes back to the concept that there's only one of us here".
In the mean time I am so glad we had this time together.
This is Rupaul's second book and while a paperback it for me was worth the investment, would it be for you who knows but I DO reccomend this. With advice on life, drag, diet, wigs, makeup, style and happiness this book came of as a help self style of read for me and the photogrpahs well dahlinks they are FIERCE! At $20.00 at Borders this for me me is the MUST READ book of the year!
Published by Harper Collins Publishers this gem is 176 pages in length and LOADED with exquisite photograhs including Rupaul dressed as both Michelle and Barack Obama.
Some advice from Rupaul:
"If you say your going to do something, then by George, you better do it. Being true to word is important because you don;t want to lose trust in yourself. Lying is despicable, and when you can't even trust yourself it's the worst. It goes back to the concept that there's only one of us here".
In the mean time I am so glad we had this time together.
Monday, March 8, 2010
My Very own Best and Worst Oscar List

I was one of those people who didn't finish watching all of the Oscar's as last night I just felt awful. Probably the worst I have felt in months and am somewhat better today so i wasn't to much into the whole HEIGHT of Hollywood fashion last night watching in my jammies. Anyway.......
In third place for Best Dressed is...... Sandra Bullock in Marchesa, now I know she made some worst dressed lists for this dress but I simply loved it. The gold coloring, the exquisite lace work and it reminded me very much of Old Hollywood glamour.
In second place for Best Dressed is..........Mo'nique in her Cobalt Blue draped and cinched Tadashi gown. Monique was STUNNING! Reminding me of the great Billie Holiday and was one of the most remembered acceptance seeches of the night!
In first place for Best Dressed is........ None other than the wonderful Cameron Diaz in her Oscar de la Renta Fall 2010 Collection Gown. It gets NO BETTER than Cameron in my opinion, she also carried a Roger Vivier Haute Couture Clutch. Shoes were a Satin pump by Brian Atwood and jewelry by Cartier. Cameron darling you were absolutely positively FIERCE!
Now unto the worst dressed and kids there were a few stars that just got it All Wrong!
In third place for WORST Dressed......... Sarah Jessica Parker, I know kids big shocker huh! I normally love Sarah and he exquisite clothing, especially what she wears on Sex In the City. Sarah wore Chanel Haute Couture and while I am a HUGE fan of everything Chanel this was simply dreadful. It hung on her and she looked like an anorexic clothes hanger with a "Valley of the Dolls" Hairdo. There was no shape, no contour and those rosettes just made it dreadful. Sarah sweetie there is always next time.
In second place for Worst Dressed...... Zoe Saldana in her Lilac Givenchy gown. She was this confusing complication of purple tones and textures. It for me had a very bad Carnival feel to it and felt very weighted. A Big mistake!
In First place for the WORST Dressed...... Diane Kruger. G-d where do I even begin
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Some thoughts for the day
Sorry I have not posted since Thursday but things have been hectic and I have not quite felt like myself the last few days. There is so much to write about, where does one begin?
Thursday night we had our Cleveland Playhouse season tickets and we went and saw Xanadu. A rather silly musical based on the Olivia Newton John movie of the same name. The movie as many of you know was a HUGE flop and while the play has no huge story line, it does have all the original music from the movie. It was light hearted, silly, very Eighties complete with leg warmers and it kept your toes tapping while you sang along at points. Would I have spent big bucks to see it, probably not but as part of our season tickets it was fun.
The weather is finally warming up a little and the snow is finally melting--hurrah and on the side of the house I can see the starts of daffodils popping out of the ground! Spring my friends is finally one its way. The dogs seem a little sad I think because they JUST LOVE the snow and until the grass is dry and green there is isn't much to play in outside. Although Toto does love running in circles in the mud!
As many of you are aware if your into the news like I am Marie Osmond's Michael Blosil committed sucide Friday night leaping from his eighth floor apartment building he was only eighteen years old. There are a few reasons I bring this up. The first is Michael was a student of the Fashion Design and Merchandising, the school that was featured on the Los Angeles season of "Project Runway". We will never know what wonderful and creative things Michael could have created. (Michael is the eldest in the photogrpah on the side). And when a fellow designer dies I for one take notice. It is so tragic and sad that he saw no other way.
The second is the Osmonds have gone on record saying that his suicide was because of his long battle with severe depression, which I am not denying or making light of in any way. Depression can and does many things to lead to some people to desperate actions, myself included. In my own life time there have been two periods where I tried committing suicide by overdosing. This topic is very close to my heart and I understand what leads to this. I have been fortunate both times and friends rescued me who were near at the time and for that I am grateful. It was a long painful road that lead to that period of my life and it was a long road out of that period as well.
This statement from the Osmonds has brought some heat especially from the likes of movie/television star Roseanne Barr.
"Marie Osmond's poor gay son killed himself because he had been told how wrong and how sick he was every day of his life by his church and the people in it. Calling that 'depression' is a lie!
"Hey, I want her and all the gay kids in the world to know that they are just fine being gay and that they deserve love and respect instead of insults and rebuke! I have gay people in my family and my circle of friends and I am kicking bigot ass and taking names!
"Yet even though the people they say they love the most in all of their public displays and speeches (THEIR KIDS AND FAMILY!!) are gay,-- their own children, for crying out loud- these people cannot find the Christian decency and compassion within themselves to stop their hypocritical gay bashing!! How sickening. I know so many Mormon kids who were gay and committed suicide, and I just cannot and will not stay quiet in order to not offend bigots anymore. It is all so terribly depressing. Roseanne Barr, writing on her personal blog.
While I am not in any means endorsing what Roseanne said I find it interesting to say the least that she is the only one who brings up his sexuality and she is the only one talking about. Religion for the most part can be for many a very oppressive and condemning aspect to many people just not gays and I find that statement very sad indeed. If this statement is true about his sexuality I would hope that Marie has the hutzpah to honor her son, his life and this horrific tragedy by becoming a very vocal advocate and supporter of PFLAG (Parents Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and changing the lives of those who feel like there is no other way out.
I am here to say there is someone who knows what it is like, someone who has been there and someone who understands. Someone who cares for you and is there to help you through it. I just wish more people would be as open, receptive and caring---then maybe
Until next time I am so glad we had this time together and that you contiue to come back and read .
The following "Youtube" post does contain include use of profanity, but please keep in mind that the "letter" is very real. THE TREVOR PROJECT
If you need to call the Trevor Hotline...
Thursday night we had our Cleveland Playhouse season tickets and we went and saw Xanadu. A rather silly musical based on the Olivia Newton John movie of the same name. The movie as many of you know was a HUGE flop and while the play has no huge story line, it does have all the original music from the movie. It was light hearted, silly, very Eighties complete with leg warmers and it kept your toes tapping while you sang along at points. Would I have spent big bucks to see it, probably not but as part of our season tickets it was fun.
The weather is finally warming up a little and the snow is finally melting--hurrah and on the side of the house I can see the starts of daffodils popping out of the ground! Spring my friends is finally one its way. The dogs seem a little sad I think because they JUST LOVE the snow and until the grass is dry and green there is isn't much to play in outside. Although Toto does love running in circles in the mud!
As many of you are aware if your into the news like I am Marie Osmond's Michael Blosil committed sucide Friday night leaping from his eighth floor apartment building he was only eighteen years old. There are a few reasons I bring this up. The first is Michael was a student of the Fashion Design and Merchandising, the school that was featured on the Los Angeles season of "Project Runway". We will never know what wonderful and creative things Michael could have created. (Michael is the eldest in the photogrpah on the side). And when a fellow designer dies I for one take notice. It is so tragic and sad that he saw no other way.
The second is the Osmonds have gone on record saying that his suicide was because of his long battle with severe depression, which I am not denying or making light of in any way. Depression can and does many things to lead to some people to desperate actions, myself included. In my own life time there have been two periods where I tried committing suicide by overdosing. This topic is very close to my heart and I understand what leads to this. I have been fortunate both times and friends rescued me who were near at the time and for that I am grateful. It was a long painful road that lead to that period of my life and it was a long road out of that period as well.
This statement from the Osmonds has brought some heat especially from the likes of movie/television star Roseanne Barr.
"Marie Osmond's poor gay son killed himself because he had been told how wrong and how sick he was every day of his life by his church and the people in it. Calling that 'depression' is a lie!
"Hey, I want her and all the gay kids in the world to know that they are just fine being gay and that they deserve love and respect instead of insults and rebuke! I have gay people in my family and my circle of friends and I am kicking bigot ass and taking names!
"Yet even though the people they say they love the most in all of their public displays and speeches (THEIR KIDS AND FAMILY!!) are gay,-- their own children, for crying out loud- these people cannot find the Christian decency and compassion within themselves to stop their hypocritical gay bashing!! How sickening. I know so many Mormon kids who were gay and committed suicide, and I just cannot and will not stay quiet in order to not offend bigots anymore. It is all so terribly depressing. Roseanne Barr, writing on her personal blog.
While I am not in any means endorsing what Roseanne said I find it interesting to say the least that she is the only one who brings up his sexuality and she is the only one talking about. Religion for the most part can be for many a very oppressive and condemning aspect to many people just not gays and I find that statement very sad indeed. If this statement is true about his sexuality I would hope that Marie has the hutzpah to honor her son, his life and this horrific tragedy by becoming a very vocal advocate and supporter of PFLAG (Parents Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and changing the lives of those who feel like there is no other way out.
I am here to say there is someone who knows what it is like, someone who has been there and someone who understands. Someone who cares for you and is there to help you through it. I just wish more people would be as open, receptive and caring---then maybe
Until next time I am so glad we had this time together and that you contiue to come back and read .
The following "Youtube" post does contain include use of profanity, but please keep in mind that the "letter" is very real. THE TREVOR PROJECT
If you need to call the Trevor Hotline...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
My newest Oz Find
Well for those that come here for the Oz items I found this a little while ago at the Stark COunty Fairgrounds Antique Show. "The New Wizard Of Oz" title is a littel confusing as it basically is the same story we all know and love but with different illustrations.
This edition was published by the Grosset & Dunlap Company Inc. Publishers of New York and was illustrated by Evelyn Copelman and was I believe in 1947. There are editions mentioned in "The Book Collector's Guide to L. Frank Baum but none of them match mine. This edition is 209 pages long and filled with many black and white illustrations as well as full color illustrations. My edition was a previous Library from the Great Neck, NY Library and is in rather bad shape with quite a few torn and tapped pages but the price was right at $5.00.
Since I did not have this edition I just had to get it anyway. It was nice sitting down and in my free time reading the wonderful adventures of Dorothy as thought of by Baum. The whole reason I feel in love with Oz in the first place, was the stories and this whole idea of home. Anyway if you are like I am you may want to find this edition for your own collection.
Good news I did my online registration yesterday for the summer semester and I know I will have my hands full with four classes, four days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. but to be a sophmore come fall will be worth it all in the end. Clasesses being in June and run through the first part of August. So I guess I will try to catch as much summer as I can considering mos to f it is going to be indoors!
In the mean time this semester is still going rather well and in some spots I am beginning to see the actual ground and not ALL THE SNOW, which in my minds means one thing SPRING! HURRAH!
So until next time, I am so glad we had this time together!
This edition was published by the Grosset & Dunlap Company Inc. Publishers of New York and was illustrated by Evelyn Copelman and was I believe in 1947. There are editions mentioned in "The Book Collector's Guide to L. Frank Baum but none of them match mine. This edition is 209 pages long and filled with many black and white illustrations as well as full color illustrations. My edition was a previous Library from the Great Neck, NY Library and is in rather bad shape with quite a few torn and tapped pages but the price was right at $5.00.
Since I did not have this edition I just had to get it anyway. It was nice sitting down and in my free time reading the wonderful adventures of Dorothy as thought of by Baum. The whole reason I feel in love with Oz in the first place, was the stories and this whole idea of home. Anyway if you are like I am you may want to find this edition for your own collection.
Good news I did my online registration yesterday for the summer semester and I know I will have my hands full with four classes, four days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. but to be a sophmore come fall will be worth it all in the end. Clasesses being in June and run through the first part of August. So I guess I will try to catch as much summer as I can considering mos to f it is going to be indoors!
In the mean time this semester is still going rather well and in some spots I am beginning to see the actual ground and not ALL THE SNOW, which in my minds means one thing SPRING! HURRAH!
So until next time, I am so glad we had this time together!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
College Fashionista story and photos are UP!!!!
Well gnag the photographs and story are up on the website, and if you want to read it directly on the site here is the address...... http://www.collegefashionista.com/2010/03/03/designer-spotlight-sew-your-love-for-haiti/
With only two weeks to prepare, the student fashion designers at Kent State really wowed the crowd with their innovative takes on South American and Island culture. The winning designer, freshman Charlie Dale, decided to enter the contest after seeing a flier on a bulletin board. Here is his account, along with photos of his design with the second and third place garments.
Why did you decide for “Sew Your Love for Haiti?
“When I saw the flier at school I actually thought about it for a week before I finally decided to do it, and at first it was having the chance to show my clothing on the runway for the very first time, then it became about this great cause, helping people who really needed it. I have been involved with many different charities over the years, it is something I really believe in, and besides, it is good Karma.”
How many hours did it take to complete your design?
“The hardest part for me is getting the design out of my head and actually bringing it to life. Hours I am not sure, I know it was 2 1/2 days worth of work squeezed in between my homework; the one day was 12 solid hours.”
What were you most inspired by for your design?
“This may sound crazy but it was just the fabric choices I made. They were all colorful, flowing, beautiful fabrics and I would say I saw in my head this incredibly classy, fun woman sitting at one of those beach bars with a frozen alcoholic drink (my favorites by the way) in her hand, and she is cruising the really buff guys in swimsuits. She knows she is, but not everybody else is aware of it. Then at any given moment the right guy comes along and off she goes into the water after him!”
Photograph is Beatrice Luu and her design 2nd Place
What did it mean to win this competition?
“Frankly I am still stunned, I wasn’t expecting it. I did the best I knew how and hoped the crowd would love it. Winning validated my choice about going into a fashion design program because when I first came to KSU in August I wasn’t sure what I should major in. Fashion however has been in my blood my entire life, I have literally sewn since I was four years old and was taught by my grandmother. Winning meant and means so very much to me, I am hoping it is a great beginning to a great career.”
Photograph is Kyinn Lin and his design. 3rd Place
What is your design aesthetic?
“I would have to say clean, classic, timeless, graceful, beautifully constructed and hopefully something you want to wear over and over again. Very much like a good classic Chanel suit, something that grows with you and becomes part of your every day aesthetic.”
Who are your favorite fashion designers?
“Coco Chanel, Bob Mackie, Adrian, Edith Head, Calvin Klein, Alexander McQueen, Gianni Versace, Christian Dior—-there are so many!”
What would you like to do after graduation?
“My BIG dream is to work for Broadway and movies!!! I just adore huge lavish costume movies. I also would love to do speciality things like for the Oscars, Grammy’s, Tony’s, that kind of thing. Although here lately all my friends keep saying “So Charlie, when are you going to be on Project Runway”? I just smile as it had never crossed my mind, but I would give anything to meet to Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum!”
Well, thank you Charlie Dale, for deciding to enter, and a special thank you to Beatrice Luu and Kyin Lin who received second and third place mentions for their wonderful designs! All in all, The Fashion Journalism Team and Fashion Student Organization were able to raise over $1600 for the Unicef relief effort in Haiti. Article writeen by Stacey Thomas
With only two weeks to prepare, the student fashion designers at Kent State really wowed the crowd with their innovative takes on South American and Island culture. The winning designer, freshman Charlie Dale, decided to enter the contest after seeing a flier on a bulletin board. Here is his account, along with photos of his design with the second and third place garments.
Why did you decide for “Sew Your Love for Haiti?
“When I saw the flier at school I actually thought about it for a week before I finally decided to do it, and at first it was having the chance to show my clothing on the runway for the very first time, then it became about this great cause, helping people who really needed it. I have been involved with many different charities over the years, it is something I really believe in, and besides, it is good Karma.”
How many hours did it take to complete your design?
“The hardest part for me is getting the design out of my head and actually bringing it to life. Hours I am not sure, I know it was 2 1/2 days worth of work squeezed in between my homework; the one day was 12 solid hours.”
What were you most inspired by for your design?
“This may sound crazy but it was just the fabric choices I made. They were all colorful, flowing, beautiful fabrics and I would say I saw in my head this incredibly classy, fun woman sitting at one of those beach bars with a frozen alcoholic drink (my favorites by the way) in her hand, and she is cruising the really buff guys in swimsuits. She knows she is, but not everybody else is aware of it. Then at any given moment the right guy comes along and off she goes into the water after him!”
Photograph is Beatrice Luu and her design 2nd Place
What did it mean to win this competition?
“Frankly I am still stunned, I wasn’t expecting it. I did the best I knew how and hoped the crowd would love it. Winning validated my choice about going into a fashion design program because when I first came to KSU in August I wasn’t sure what I should major in. Fashion however has been in my blood my entire life, I have literally sewn since I was four years old and was taught by my grandmother. Winning meant and means so very much to me, I am hoping it is a great beginning to a great career.”
Photograph is Kyinn Lin and his design. 3rd Place
What is your design aesthetic?
“I would have to say clean, classic, timeless, graceful, beautifully constructed and hopefully something you want to wear over and over again. Very much like a good classic Chanel suit, something that grows with you and becomes part of your every day aesthetic.”
Who are your favorite fashion designers?
“Coco Chanel, Bob Mackie, Adrian, Edith Head, Calvin Klein, Alexander McQueen, Gianni Versace, Christian Dior—-there are so many!”
What would you like to do after graduation?
“My BIG dream is to work for Broadway and movies!!! I just adore huge lavish costume movies. I also would love to do speciality things like for the Oscars, Grammy’s, Tony’s, that kind of thing. Although here lately all my friends keep saying “So Charlie, when are you going to be on Project Runway”? I just smile as it had never crossed my mind, but I would give anything to meet to Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum!”
Well, thank you Charlie Dale, for deciding to enter, and a special thank you to Beatrice Luu and Kyin Lin who received second and third place mentions for their wonderful designs! All in all, The Fashion Journalism Team and Fashion Student Organization were able to raise over $1600 for the Unicef relief effort in Haiti. Article writeen by Stacey Thomas
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
9 Easy steps to live more simply
1. Decide what is important. Take a step back and think about what’s important to you. What do you really want to be doing, who do you want to spend your time with, what do you want to accomplish with your work? Make a short list of 4-5 things for your life, 4-5 people you want to spend time with, 4-5 things you’d like to accomplish at work.
2. Examine your commitments. A big part of the problem is that our lives are way too full. We can’t possibly do everything we have committed to doing, and we certainly can’t enjoy it if we’re trying to do everything. Accept that you can’t do everything, know that you want to do what’s important to you, and try to eliminate the commitments that aren’t as important.
3. Do less each day. Don’t fill your day up with things to do. You will end up rushing to do them all. If you normally try (and fail) to do 7-10 things, do 3 important ones instead (with 3 more smaller items to do if you get those three done). This will give you time to do what you need to do, and not rush.
4. Leave space between tasks or appointments. Another mistake is trying to schedule things back-to-back. This leaves no cushion in case things take longer than we planned (which they always do), and it also gives us a feeling of being rushed and stressed throughout the day. Instead, leave a good-sized gap between your appointments or tasks, allowing you to focus more on each one, and have a transition time between them.
5. Eliminate as much as possible from your to-do list. You can’t do everything on your to-do list. Even if you could, more things will come up. As much as you can, simplify your to-do list down to the essentials. This allows you to rush less and focus more on what’s important.
6. Slow down and enjoy every task. This is the most important tip in this article. Read it twice. Whatever you’re doing, whether it’s a work task, eating, brushing your teeth, cooking dinner, driving to work: slow down. Try to enjoy whatever you’re doing. Try to pay attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment. This isn’t easy, as you will often forget. But find a way to remind yourself. Unless the task involves actual pain, there isn’t anything that can’t be enjoyable if you give it the proper attention.
7. Single-task. This is an important point. Do one thing at a time, and do it well.
8. Eliminate stress. Find the stressors in your life, and find ways to eliminate them.
9. Create time for solitude. In addition to slowing down and enjoying the tasks we do, and doing less of them, it’s also important to just have some time to yourself.
2. Examine your commitments. A big part of the problem is that our lives are way too full. We can’t possibly do everything we have committed to doing, and we certainly can’t enjoy it if we’re trying to do everything. Accept that you can’t do everything, know that you want to do what’s important to you, and try to eliminate the commitments that aren’t as important.
3. Do less each day. Don’t fill your day up with things to do. You will end up rushing to do them all. If you normally try (and fail) to do 7-10 things, do 3 important ones instead (with 3 more smaller items to do if you get those three done). This will give you time to do what you need to do, and not rush.
4. Leave space between tasks or appointments. Another mistake is trying to schedule things back-to-back. This leaves no cushion in case things take longer than we planned (which they always do), and it also gives us a feeling of being rushed and stressed throughout the day. Instead, leave a good-sized gap between your appointments or tasks, allowing you to focus more on each one, and have a transition time between them.
5. Eliminate as much as possible from your to-do list. You can’t do everything on your to-do list. Even if you could, more things will come up. As much as you can, simplify your to-do list down to the essentials. This allows you to rush less and focus more on what’s important.
6. Slow down and enjoy every task. This is the most important tip in this article. Read it twice. Whatever you’re doing, whether it’s a work task, eating, brushing your teeth, cooking dinner, driving to work: slow down. Try to enjoy whatever you’re doing. Try to pay attention, instead of thinking about other things. Be in the moment. This isn’t easy, as you will often forget. But find a way to remind yourself. Unless the task involves actual pain, there isn’t anything that can’t be enjoyable if you give it the proper attention.
7. Single-task. This is an important point. Do one thing at a time, and do it well.
8. Eliminate stress. Find the stressors in your life, and find ways to eliminate them.
9. Create time for solitude. In addition to slowing down and enjoying the tasks we do, and doing less of them, it’s also important to just have some time to yourself.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Some thoughts from "How to Live a Simple and Peaceful life"
In our daily lives, we often rush through tasks, trying to get them done, trying to finish as much as we can each day, speeding along in our cars to our next destination, rushing to do what we need to do there, and then leaving so that we can speed to our next destination.
Unfortunately, it’s often not until we approach our final destination that we realize what madness this all is. At the end of the day, we’re often exhausted and stressed out from the grind and the chaos and the business of the day. We don’t have time for what’s important to us, for what we really want to be doing, for spending time with loved ones, for doing things we’re passionate about.
It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to live a simpler life, one where you enjoy each activity, where you are present in everything (or most things) you do, where you are content rather than rushing to finish things. If this appeals to you, here are some suggestions for living a simple, peaceful, content life.
Unfortunately, it’s often not until we approach our final destination that we realize what madness this all is. At the end of the day, we’re often exhausted and stressed out from the grind and the chaos and the business of the day. We don’t have time for what’s important to us, for what we really want to be doing, for spending time with loved ones, for doing things we’re passionate about.
It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s possible to live a simpler life, one where you enjoy each activity, where you are present in everything (or most things) you do, where you are content rather than rushing to finish things. If this appeals to you, here are some suggestions for living a simple, peaceful, content life.
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