This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY! I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
According to

According to the 01/09/11
Monday, May 31, 2010
Can I be brutually honest
I know I mentioned my tests results and what that means and since then I have 3 crash days where I slept 14 solid hours ans one day where I slept 23 1/2 hours solid. If I have to be honest I am scared shitless. I know what cras days lke that mean and for startersitmeansthe body pain is the max and then some. The fatigue makes you not hungry and it also means I get nothing done at all and with school about 15 days away I will resay I am scared shitless. This happened last year and last yer it menat pneumonia for 2 months. I can't afford to do that.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Memorial Day 2010
In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD
(1872-1918) Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
McCrae's "In Flanders Fields" remains to this day one of the most memorable war poems ever written. It is a lasting legacy of the terrible battle in the Ypres salient in the spring of 1915. Here is the story of the making of that poem:
Although he had been a doctor for years and had served in the South African War, it was impossible to get used to the suffering, the screams, and the blood here, and Major John McCrae had seen and heard enough in his dressing station to last him a lifetime.
As a surgeon attached to the 1st Field Artillery Brigade, Major McCrae, who had joined the McGill faculty in 1900 after graduating from the University of Toronto, had spent seventeen days treating injured men -- Canadians, British, Indians, French, and Germans -- in the Ypres salient.
It had been an ordeal that he had hardly thought possible. McCrae later wrote of it:
"I wish I could embody on paper some of the varied sensations of that seventeen days... Seventeen days of Hades! At the end of the first day if anyone had told us we had to spend seventeen days there, we would have folded our hands and said it could not have been done."
One death particularly affected McCrae. A young friend and former student, Lieut. Alexis Helmer of Ottawa, had been killed by a shell burst on 2 May 1915. Lieutenant Helmer was buried later that day in the little cemetery outside McCrae's dressing station, and McCrae had performed the funeral ceremony in the absence of the chaplain.
The next day, sitting on the back of an ambulance parked near the dressing station beside the Canal de l'Yser, just a few hundred yards north of Ypres, McCrae vented his anguish by composing a poem. The major was no stranger to writing, having authored several medical texts besides dabbling in poetry.
In the nearby cemetery, McCrae could see the wild poppies that sprang up in the ditches in that part of Europe, and he spent twenty minutes of precious rest time scribbling fifteen lines of verse in a notebook.
A young soldier watched him write it. Cyril Allinson, a twenty-two year old sergeant-major, was delivering mail that day when he spotted McCrae. The major looked up as Allinson approached, then went on writing while the sergeant-major stood there quietly. "His face was very tired but calm as we wrote," Allinson recalled. "He looked around from time to time, his eyes straying to Helmer's grave."
When McCrae finished five minutes later, he took his mail from Allinson and, without saying a word, handed his pad to the young NCO. Allinson was moved by what he read:
"The poem was exactly an exact description of the scene in front of us both. He used the word blow in that line because the poppies actually were being blown that morning by a gentle east wind. It never occurred to me at that time that it would ever be published. It seemed to me just an exact description of the scene."
In fact, it was very nearly not published. Dissatisfied with it, McCrae tossed the poem away, but a fellow officer retrieved it and sent it to newspapers in England. The Spectator, in London, rejected it, but Punch published it on 8 December 1915.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Janet Jackson
I know I am alittle slowon this one but kids did you all catch the INCREDIBLE Janet Jackson on American Idol? Made the Whole damn season inmy opinion and girl was just absolutely positively BEYOND FIERCE! Girl had it going on letme tell, this divas younger than she is better watch it Cuz its all about Ms. Jackson.
In ohter news I thought I wold mix up up on this blog and joined where you my readers may ask me anything , yes even anonymously and I will answer you, the best way I know how. That is by being an open book and speaking honestly. Sometime maybe brutally honest but you will know what I am thinking. Answers will be served here. Hope you enjoy the new feature.
My blood tets are back and the results are TERRIBLE. T-cells are 72 and a viral load of over 9,000----not good at all. Doctor says I am open to anything that comes my way and run the risk with my counts this low developing brain lesions--F&%king delightful huh. Partially my fault as I missed some of my doses and I yes new better. Mornings are the ones I miss, if I miss but no more of that happy s&*t.
This boy needs to be in fashion and possible brain lesions ain't on the damn menu. Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together
In ohter news I thought I wold mix up up on this blog and joined where you my readers may ask me anything , yes even anonymously and I will answer you, the best way I know how. That is by being an open book and speaking honestly. Sometime maybe brutally honest but you will know what I am thinking. Answers will be served here. Hope you enjoy the new feature.
My blood tets are back and the results are TERRIBLE. T-cells are 72 and a viral load of over 9,000----not good at all. Doctor says I am open to anything that comes my way and run the risk with my counts this low developing brain lesions--F&%king delightful huh. Partially my fault as I missed some of my doses and I yes new better. Mornings are the ones I miss, if I miss but no more of that happy s&*t.
This boy needs to be in fashion and possible brain lesions ain't on the damn menu. Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together
Monday, May 24, 2010
Show Me your Teeth ----Lady Gaga
Ok this vid has a slight gay bend to it and is rather sexual in nature and deals with vampirism as well, its tribute video too. So this may not be for everybody but its Lady Gaga----got to love her
this one is the official Lady Gaga "show me your teth not as "gay" if you will but still a hot guy in a speedo----woof
this one is the official Lady Gaga "show me your teth not as "gay" if you will but still a hot guy in a speedo----woof
Friday, May 21, 2010
The Lovely Bones
I am not sure how many of you have seen "The Lovely Bones" with Mark Wahlberg, but I just finished it on DVD and I have to highly recommend it. Its this story of a teenage girl who is killed by her neighbor in 1973 and the neighbir gets away with the crime. It deals a lot with life, death, and the acpects of the after life. This is somewhat a new approach in my opinion and a topic that has been strongly on my mind for the last almost 8 years.
The last 5 months in all honesty, I have been having dreams with huge, vibrant balls of light even and I know some of you may not believe in the supernatural but personally I am a HUGE believer. Contact with the other side, visions, dreams, seances and even if you will ghosts/spirits.
I have been a big believer for a very long time in the "other realms" and even reincarnation. I know this is out there, but my experiences have formed my opinions and I know there is more to what we call this experience than what we know as this realm. These spirits make themselves known we just have to be open to them and we have to be "in a space" to listen. Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
Until next time I am glad we had this time together.
The last 5 months in all honesty, I have been having dreams with huge, vibrant balls of light even and I know some of you may not believe in the supernatural but personally I am a HUGE believer. Contact with the other side, visions, dreams, seances and even if you will ghosts/spirits.
I have been a big believer for a very long time in the "other realms" and even reincarnation. I know this is out there, but my experiences have formed my opinions and I know there is more to what we call this experience than what we know as this realm. These spirits make themselves known we just have to be open to them and we have to be "in a space" to listen. Would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.
Until next time I am glad we had this time together.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Grades are in.....................
Well my grades for this last semester are in, which in one way is a relief. I got a B+ in Painting 1, an A- in College Writing 1 and an A- in History of Civilization which for the semester gave me a 3.57 GPA and a cumulative of 3.46 GPA. It makes me just a bit dissapointed, because I am so close to the deans list it isn't even funny, but not quite there. If I have to be honest it was what I working for the whole semester and I missed it.
I know I should be thrilled beyond words, and honestly I am but when you work so hard for something and you fall short, it kind of hurts a little. Oh well, life goes on. Maybe part of my pain is the dogs were gone most of the morning at the groomers and that is always makes for a lonely day as there isn't the pitter patter of little feet. I love my "girls" more than anything and I really hate being away from them. A boy and his dog I guess. There really isn't more news to really to talk about so I guess till next time I am glad we had this together.
I know I should be thrilled beyond words, and honestly I am but when you work so hard for something and you fall short, it kind of hurts a little. Oh well, life goes on. Maybe part of my pain is the dogs were gone most of the morning at the groomers and that is always makes for a lonely day as there isn't the pitter patter of little feet. I love my "girls" more than anything and I really hate being away from them. A boy and his dog I guess
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
News of the day
Well yesterday I went and paid the price difference that my Pell Grant doesn't cover for the summer semester and for me that was nearly $1,700 with the class fees included. Now, I had the money to pay it and it took months to save it, so it made it hard to turn over that kind of money for the classes.
If I have to be honest with you my readers, I have never invested in myself like that before and until two years I wasn't even really capable of saving like that. It took a lot of sacrifice and doing without somethings but it felt rather good to believe in myself enough to invest in myself like that. I felt like I am finally comfortable with who I am and who I want to be and for a person from a domestically violent childhood home , I think that is saying alot. Those of you who have the same background, may understand what I am really trying to say.
If you live in N.E. Ohio like I do then this next part will make some sense, gosh am I over all the rain we have had here lately. It seems like that is all it has done this month is rain, and I am not so sure rain affects Fibromyalgia or not but it seems like this month more than others I have been so stiff, sore and achy it isn't even funny.
Since Saturday I have been on break from school and it has been so very nice to finally spend my day doing things that has sat for months and if the fatigue will ever subside I may get even more done. Been busy working on some work here to earn the money I may need for Fall classes, so its no huge rest.
However, as I said the fatigue the last three days has been really bad. I am laying down in the middle of the day for 4-5 hours but I guess I need the rest. It is hard to lay down at times as I feel like if I didn't lay down I could be so much more productive. Oh well.
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
If I have to be honest with you my readers, I have never invested in myself like that before and until two years I wasn't even really capable of saving like that. It took a lot of sacrifice and doing without somethings but it felt rather good to believe in myself enough to invest in myself like that. I felt like I am finally comfortable with who I am and who I want to be and for a person from a domestically violent childhood home , I think that is saying alot. Those of you who have the same background, may understand what I am really trying to say.
If you live in N.E. Ohio like I do then this next part will make some sense, gosh am I over all the rain we have had here lately. It seems like that is all it has done this month is rain, and I am not so sure rain affects Fibromyalgia or not but it seems like this month more than others I have been so stiff, sore and achy it isn't even funny.
Since Saturday I have been on break from school and it has been so very nice to finally spend my day doing things that has sat for months and if the fatigue will ever subside I may get even more done. Been busy working on some work here to earn the money I may need for Fall classes, so its no huge rest.
However, as I said the fatigue the last three days has been really bad. I am laying down in the middle of the day for 4-5 hours but I guess I need the rest. It is hard to lay down at times as I feel like if I didn't lay down I could be so much more productive. Oh well.
Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Monday, May 17, 2010
International Day Against Homophobia
About the International Day
The cause for the International Day Against Homophobia, its central topic of interest, the common theme that provides information for each of its endeavours remains a universal, multi-faceted and historical phenomenon: homophobia.
In Canada, recognition, for lesbian and gay communities, has been first and foremost a judicial acceptance brought about by the adoption of the Charter of Human Rights. However, judicial advances will remain only that until a complete, unlimited social acceptance of homosexuality is achieved and homophobia wiped out. To achieve this goal, the Fondation Émergence proposed in 2003, along with partners, to hold each year a special day dedicated to the social recognition of homosexual experience.
Philosophy of the Event
Few minority groups have been as discriminated against as the gays and lesbians. But major breakthroughs have occurred, and homosexual people are stepping out of the shadows. From the outside, it could be construed that all problems have been solved. The media are sympathetic, public personalities come out, television shows feature lesbian and gay characters in scenes of everyday life. Nevertheless, the reality is quite different. Many individuals are unable to live their sexual orientation, encounter difficulties if they do, or end up role-playing to protect themselves.
Despite these dire situations, the implementation of the International Day Against Homophobia should not rest on a “victimization“ philosophy. In fact, the Day may be seen as a great opportunity to highlight positive aspects of homosexuality and celebrate the contribution of lesbians and gays to society.
Target Audience
Homophobia is an insidious process that channels its effects through subtle, usually transparent ways. No one is safe from hostile manifestations to homosexuality. Quite surprisingly, many homosexual individuals themselves adopt homophobic behaviour, hoping it would protect them against prejudice from their entourage. The International Day Against Homophobia aims to reach all groups of society, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Becoming Involved
An International Day Against Homophobia belongs to no one individual. It’s about all people hoping for a prejudice-free world that can provide a place at the table for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. Inspired by all world theme-days, the day set aside to fight homophobia needs to be appropriated by all of those actively involved in civil society: gay and lesbian community organisations, those organisations focusing on other types of sexual diversity, unions, employers, private businesses, governments, public administration, professional associations, and all individuals seeking equality.
Well, until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
The cause for the International Day Against Homophobia, its central topic of interest, the common theme that provides information for each of its endeavours remains a universal, multi-faceted and historical phenomenon: homophobia.
In Canada, recognition, for lesbian and gay communities, has been first and foremost a judicial acceptance brought about by the adoption of the Charter of Human Rights. However, judicial advances will remain only that until a complete, unlimited social acceptance of homosexuality is achieved and homophobia wiped out. To achieve this goal, the Fondation Émergence proposed in 2003, along with partners, to hold each year a special day dedicated to the social recognition of homosexual experience.
Philosophy of the Event
Few minority groups have been as discriminated against as the gays and lesbians. But major breakthroughs have occurred, and homosexual people are stepping out of the shadows. From the outside, it could be construed that all problems have been solved. The media are sympathetic, public personalities come out, television shows feature lesbian and gay characters in scenes of everyday life. Nevertheless, the reality is quite different. Many individuals are unable to live their sexual orientation, encounter difficulties if they do, or end up role-playing to protect themselves.
Despite these dire situations, the implementation of the International Day Against Homophobia should not rest on a “victimization“ philosophy. In fact, the Day may be seen as a great opportunity to highlight positive aspects of homosexuality and celebrate the contribution of lesbians and gays to society.
Target Audience
Homophobia is an insidious process that channels its effects through subtle, usually transparent ways. No one is safe from hostile manifestations to homosexuality. Quite surprisingly, many homosexual individuals themselves adopt homophobic behaviour, hoping it would protect them against prejudice from their entourage. The International Day Against Homophobia aims to reach all groups of society, regardless of their sexual orientation.
Becoming Involved
An International Day Against Homophobia belongs to no one individual. It’s about all people hoping for a prejudice-free world that can provide a place at the table for everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. Inspired by all world theme-days, the day set aside to fight homophobia needs to be appropriated by all of those actively involved in civil society: gay and lesbian community organisations, those organisations focusing on other types of sexual diversity, unions, employers, private businesses, governments, public administration, professional associations, and all individuals seeking equality.
Well, until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Designer Meet and greet--Cleveland Fashion Week
Well last night was the Fashion Week Cleveland Meet and Greet Party at the brand new Set Nightclub and Lounge . is the actual web invitation and below is the information from the Cleveland Fashion Week website.
Saturday, May 15 :: SET Nightclub & Lounge :: 9:00 pm - 12:00 midnight
Designer and Model :: Meet & Greet Party
Hosted by: Smile Art Center
Word-of-Mouth Promotions and Fashion Week Cleveland presents the Designer and Model Meet & Greet in conjunction with the Grand Opening of SET Nightclub & Lounge!
If you are in the Cleveland area, I have to say this is one nightclub you may want to check out, with absolutely stylish decor and a very warm and wonderful staff this place should become the next Cleveland Hot Spot.. With a fair size dance floor, two large bars upstairs and one bar downstairs this place could easily hold a very large crowd. The back bar had over the walls chains hanging from the ceiling to the floors and at first glance you weren't sure what it was then it hit you--wow chains used as wall paper if you will!
There were some very minor problems last night that have me some what concerned over the Big Fashion show in June, but overall it was a very nice event with a really great bar staff that was just wonderful and the few designers I did get to meet were just insightful to the whole process that is going to be my experience of Cleveland Fashion Week. I was very nervous last night, and when I am nervous I get very quite and tend to turn inward, its like I doubt myself and my skill and I know beyond a doubt it is something I have to get over. It does I am sure make me seem shy and quite and hopefully the nervousness doesn't come across. I am very excited about the opportunity to show my things at Fashion Week Cleveland and what may come from this is still largely unknown but I am excited and still a little nervous too.
The next event is June 5th called the Glam Party hosted at La Dolce Vita from 9p.m. to 2p.m. it is the Official Launch Party for Fashion Week Cleveland. There is a $10 fee so if your in the Cleveland area I would love to have you there celebrating everything Fashion.
La Dolce Vita 12112 Mayfield Rd. Little Italy Entertainment District, Cleveland Ohio
Until next time I am so glad we had this time together. Hope you enjoy the BRAND NEW Lady Gaga video----- FASHION
Saturday, May 15 :: SET Nightclub & Lounge :: 9:00 pm - 12:00 midnight
Designer and Model :: Meet & Greet Party
Hosted by: Smile Art Center
Word-of-Mouth Promotions and Fashion Week Cleveland presents the Designer and Model Meet & Greet in conjunction with the Grand Opening of SET Nightclub & Lounge!
Mix and mingle with models and designers who will bring fashion week to Cleveland! A special VIP sneak preview of the sights and sounds of Fashion Week Cleveland. Enjoy stylish hor d'oeuvres and a complimentary "Fashion Passion" martini, and get into the fashionista experience... informal modeling, prizes, and the most stylish of guests will come together for a gorgeous and delicious evening. A chance to win tickets to Fashion Week Cleveland's The Cleveland Fashion Show - black tie gala.
Opening of SET Nightclub :: Cash Bar :: Featuring Nationally-acclaimed DJ Mick Boogie :: DJs Impure & GO :: Dress is Fashion-forward :: No Charge
SET Nightclub & Lounge :: 1360 W. 9th Street :: Warehouse District
If you are in the Cleveland area, I have to say this is one nightclub you may want to check out, with absolutely stylish decor and a very warm and wonderful staff this place should become the next Cleveland Hot Spot.. With a fair size dance floor, two large bars upstairs and one bar downstairs this place could easily hold a very large crowd. The back bar had over the walls chains hanging from the ceiling to the floors and at first glance you weren't sure what it was then it hit you--wow chains used as wall paper if you will!
There were some very minor problems last night that have me some what concerned over the Big Fashion show in June, but overall it was a very nice event with a really great bar staff that was just wonderful and the few designers I did get to meet were just insightful to the whole process that is going to be my experience of Cleveland Fashion Week. I was very nervous last night, and when I am nervous I get very quite and tend to turn inward, its like I doubt myself and my skill and I know beyond a doubt it is something I have to get over. It does I am sure make me seem shy and quite and hopefully the nervousness doesn't come across. I am very excited about the opportunity to show my things at Fashion Week Cleveland and what may come from this is still largely unknown but I am excited and still a little nervous too.
The next event is June 5th called the Glam Party hosted at La Dolce Vita from 9p.m. to 2p.m. it is the Official Launch Party for Fashion Week Cleveland. There is a $10 fee so if your in the Cleveland area I would love to have you there celebrating everything Fashion.
La Dolce Vita 12112 Mayfield Rd. Little Italy Entertainment District, Cleveland Ohio
Until next time I am so glad we had this time together. Hope you enjoy the BRAND NEW Lady Gaga video----- FASHION
Saturday, May 15, 2010
More thoughts on Taylor Hicks and me
I don't want people thinking I was being a "big bitchy drama queen" about Taylor Hicks, I would just assume that if "they wanted you to buy his CD first" they would have announced it from the stage thats all. When I asked about meeting him the "bitchy" manager said rather snottily "If you want him autographing anything you have to buy the CD. Thats when I asked we can't just say hello? Maybe the manager should have thought I didn't want an autograph, maybe I just wanted to meet him, say Hi I am a fan of yours and I enjoy your music. Once again told rather snottily "No, you have to buy a CD" and she stormed off--- in a cloud of green smoke I swear to g-d . Then the whole Taylor Hicks look as I know he heard me asking about just meeting him and nothing more, as no one other than Jim, the manager, and a Playhouse volunteer were standing there near him. It just realy rubbed me the wrong way. I would understand if it had not been for all the flying attitudes, and believe me mine wasn't one of them as that is not my style in public, my thoughts were not until I did the post here.
Maybe I was in the wrong just wanting to meet someone, but I have meet slews of big name people including but not limited to the incredible Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Former Vice President Al Gore and had lunch with the late Seantor Ted Kenedy in the Seantors Dining Room to name just a few. So I know it isn't me.
I have paid once to meet someone and it was Martha Stewart at Williams Sonoma but WS made it very clear in order to meet her you had to buy her newest book and then only 300 people would meet her. Well I was number one in that line and honey Martha was a delight. But you know something Williams Sonoma had to make their money back somehow, someway. Like I said it just really sat wrong for some reason. Well I just wanted to clear that up and once again I am sorry if I came off as bitchy, that wasn't the intention.
Maybe I was in the wrong just wanting to meet someone, but I have meet slews of big name people including but not limited to the incredible Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Former Vice President Al Gore and had lunch with the late Seantor Ted Kenedy in the Seantors Dining Room to name just a few. So I know it isn't me.
I have paid once to meet someone and it was Martha Stewart at Williams Sonoma but WS made it very clear in order to meet her you had to buy her newest book and then only 300 people would meet her. Well I was number one in that line and honey Martha was a delight. But you know something Williams Sonoma had to make their money back somehow, someway. Like I said it just really sat wrong for some reason. Well I just wanted to clear that up and once again I am sorry if I came off as bitchy, that wasn't the intention.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Grease and a Taylor Hicks Rant
Intriguing opening huh? I ain't going to be praising crisco although I am sure Playhouse Square is grateful for it because "Grease" is a BLAZING SMASH! Jim and I went and saw it last night and the cast was just wonderful the only peeve I have with the whole production is Taylor Hicks.
First off advertising made it seem like Taylor was the star of the show well kids he was NOT! He had one bit part as teen angel and sang one damn song. He did half a chorus with the cast during final bows and then SHAMELESSLY promoted his new CD with one song from that, at the end. The people who came to see Grease were leaving!
He is still doing that weird stand he was doing on American Idol and vocals, well kids I wasn't impressed. They announced he was doing a meet and great and the catch was you had to buy his $20.00 CD to meet him according to his Bitchy queen manager. HUGE TURN OFF! With this in mind when I got there their was NO ONE IN LINE TO meet him. He was ear shot away and I said "So we can't even say hi" Ms. Bitchy Queen manager said "No you can't" and Taylor gave me this annoyed I can't believe you asked that look. So Ms. Diva Taylor you ain't all that and girl you need to get off your soapbox and remember who put you in the winning spot your public.
I lost all respect for Taylor Hicks and if "Ms. Diva" had her wits about her she would fire "Ms. Bitchy Queen" Mananger immediately.
I just can't stand when people forget how they got where they are and who got them there and then get all high and mighty, like "My sh*t don't stink" or some nonsense. Well let me tell you kids, where would any of us be without the people who paved the way for us. Drag queens throwing bricks at Stonewall, dykes rallying around those who were dying of AIDS in the 1980's, stars like Lena Horne and Hattie Mc Daniels who paved the way for actresses of color, men pursuing a career in fashion. The screaming flamers invading city hall demanding marriage rights and the "sterotypical queer" taking to the streets every year for Pride, straight women wanting to be lumber jacks.
None of us would have any rights with out any of these people. People of color in the movies--forget it, your queer and out hair dresser---never happen! Legal and safe abortions---no way on earth, Gay marriage---don't make me laugh.
So my advice is be who you are, and darling if that is a big snooze bore well hurrah for you but for the rest of us who drag out our boas and scream who we are from the roof tops and make our voices vocal and heard--we are the ones paving the way so you can be your drab big snooze bore.
As Auntie Mame said "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers and starving to death. Live LIVE live!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The fashion G-ds are smiling on me today
Well today I was blessed as some would say, as the fashion g-ds were in a good mood and something told me to stop at my local Goodwill today. Goodwill is something I rarely do, even though for the most part all of my clothes are from there.
Anyway today I stopped in, first time in like 4 months and there they were, with divine heavenly light beaming on them as if it was a divine epithany and I heard angels singing.... PRADA. Oh my g-d I nearly peed myself. This "girl" has adored designer hand bags since I could walk and not just one divine Prada purse but 2. It was almost orgasamic and kids I had not even looked at the price yet.
Well let me tell you when I flipped over the price tag I thought I had literally died and went to gay designer heaven---$20.00 a piece. Oh my g-d I felt faint, get the smelling salts louise she is going down fast and going down hard, her eyes are rolling back, her knees are weak. I had a hard time deciding Green or Pink Prada, what was a girl to do. Funds have been very tight ,as I have been saving every penny for summer semester, and I picked green like I needed a green Prada bag like i needed a hole in my head. I get to the register and she is is like "I am so sorry sir we don't take checks". Oh $%#& me, that was the first thought that came to my head. I drove home found three dollars and the I got the mail. BINGO
More smiling fashion g-d stuff our state taxes came in!! I bought BOTH! I e-mailed a fellow fashionista to see if she is interested in the pink one, hell I may just give it to her if she wants it badly enough---Good Fashion karma you know, and besides she is an absolute sweetheart. I am sure if Jim reads this he is going to shoot me in the head with a bazakoo at close range, but this girl COULD NOT pass up PRADA! It seems very much the real deal and not cheapy knock-offs either, hell the green one had an additional longer strap still in the flipping tissue!
Will more than likely wear the green Prada this weekend to Cleveland Fashion Week and kids I will be working that damn bag for all it is worth, I don't care if I come off faggoty or not. Regularly Prada is no less than $350 for cloth, and kids mine are leather so you now I will wear mine out if possible!
I know this post seems a little campy and way over the top, but kids designer labels and foodstamp prices for those labels get me all a twitter and kids I don't mean texting either. So if the fashion g-ds arelistening I would love to find afforable real deal CHANEL!
Anyway today I stopped in, first time in like 4 months and there they were, with divine heavenly light beaming on them as if it was a divine epithany and I heard angels singing.... PRADA. Oh my g-d I nearly peed myself. This "girl" has adored designer hand bags since I could walk and not just one divine Prada purse but 2. It was almost orgasamic and kids I had not even looked at the price yet.
Well let me tell you when I flipped over the price tag I thought I had literally died and went to gay designer heaven---$20.00 a piece. Oh my g-d I felt faint, get the smelling salts louise she is going down fast and going down hard, her eyes are rolling back, her knees are weak. I had a hard time deciding Green or Pink Prada, what was a girl to do. Funds have been very tight ,as I have been saving every penny for summer semester, and I picked green like I needed a green Prada bag like i needed a hole in my head. I get to the register and she is is like "I am so sorry sir we don't take checks". Oh $%#& me, that was the first thought that came to my head. I drove home found three dollars and the I got the mail. BINGO
More smiling fashion g-d stuff our state taxes came in!! I bought BOTH! I e-mailed a fellow fashionista to see if she is interested in the pink one, hell I may just give it to her if she wants it badly enough---Good Fashion karma you know, and besides she is an absolute sweetheart. I am sure if Jim reads this he is going to shoot me in the head with a bazakoo at close range, but this girl COULD NOT pass up PRADA! It seems very much the real deal and not cheapy knock-offs either, hell the green one had an additional longer strap still in the flipping tissue!
Will more than likely wear the green Prada this weekend to Cleveland Fashion Week and kids I will be working that damn bag for all it is worth, I don't care if I come off faggoty or not. Regularly Prada is no less than $350 for cloth, and kids mine are leather so you now I will wear mine out if possible!
I know this post seems a little campy and way over the top, but kids designer labels and foodstamp prices for those labels get me all a twitter and kids I don't mean texting either
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
More info on Fashion Week Cleveland
Well I have more information on Fashion Week Cleveland today. The date is June 12, 2010 and will be held at
La Place at Beachwood
2101 Richmand Rd.
Beachwood, Ohio and the time is 9 p.m. to midnight
Tickets are $50 and VIP Tickets which include champagne, chocolates and VIP Reception as well as Reserved Runway Seating. This event is a Black tie required event.
There are only five colleges who are participating-- Akron University, University of Cincinnati, Columbus College of Art and Design, Kent State University and Ursaline College.
Supporters include Cleveland Reatil Commission, Smile Art Center, La Place, Set Night Club, La Dolce Vita, La Strata and O Gallery to name a few.
I will be showing 2 outfits in this show and the chance to network and meet new people are endless and again I am thrilled beyond words. In many ways very humbled that this has happened and I will be sure to take plenty of pictures to post here. Onward you hot fierce fashionista's.
La Place at Beachwood
2101 Richmand Rd.
Beachwood, Ohio and the time is 9 p.m. to midnight
Tickets are $50 and VIP Tickets which include champagne, chocolates and VIP Reception as well as Reserved Runway Seating. This event is a Black tie required event.
There are only five colleges who are participating-- Akron University, University of Cincinnati, Columbus College of Art and Design, Kent State University and Ursaline College.
Supporters include Cleveland Reatil Commission, Smile Art Center, La Place, Set Night Club, La Dolce Vita, La Strata and O Gallery to name a few.
I will be showing 2 outfits in this show and the chance to network and meet new people are endless and again I am thrilled beyond words. In many ways very humbled that this has happened and I will be sure to take plenty of pictures to post here. Onward you hot fierce fashionista's.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I got an e-mail today which made my day, hell it made my week, my month, my year even. The e-mail told me that my design from the Habitat For Humanity Show was accepted into Fashion Week Cleveland! Fashion Week Cleveland has been called "the nation's third largest fashion week after New York and Los Angeles" by Women's Wear Daily and I was accepted! The show is June 5th and there are only five colleges that are involved. Akron University, University of Cincinnati, Columbus College of Art and Design, Kent State University and Ursuline College and is Cleveland LARGEST fashion event in the year. Right now I have no idea how many of us were invited to be in this but I know I am HONORED beyond words.
We meet our models this Saturday at a big gala event where all the fashionable will be and I am still whirling. It seems like all these honors and I still have had no classes at KSU. There is 2 1/2 years at part time at Virginia Marti but that was almost 20 years ago. What does the future hold? I guess we both find out at the same time.
If you are in the mood the Fashion Week Cleveland website is in the meantime I amso glad we had this time together.
We meet our models this Saturday at a big gala event where all the fashionable will be and I am still whirling. It seems like all these honors and I still have had no classes at KSU. There is 2 1/2 years at part time at Virginia Marti but that was almost 20 years ago. What does the future hold? I guess we both find out at the same time.
If you are in the mood the Fashion Week Cleveland website is in the meantime I amso glad we had this time together.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Harwood's Candles
Well yesterday Jim and I took my brother down to Berlin, Ohio--- the heart of the Holmes Country the heart Amish country for those out of state-- and even though is was cloudy and rather cold we had such a nice time antique shopping. We ran into an old friend Penny Harwood of "Harwood's" which is this wonderfully charming homemade candle shop. Penny is this fun, bubbly personality who calls us "the boys" and if you have been in our house then you have seen and smelled her candles.
They are very much like "Party Lite" that they burn down to nothing, wicks burn completely, scent is throughout the entire candle and of course start as small as tealights all the way up to 3 wick candles. The difference is the price. Harwood candles are cheaper in price but I really feel that the quality is WAY better and each and every candle is hand poured, which I feel makes a big difference. Besides the minute you meet Penny she becomes family.
If you are in the Berlin area sometime the address is
4939 W. Main Street
Berlin, Ohio 44610
For those out of state they have a web site and I know Penny would be thrilled to send you her candles. The web site is The new store also has this delightful woman and her handmade purses. I don't remember her namebut the purses were cute, very well priced and in my opinion were equal in style to most of Vera Bradley but way cheaper. Tell Penny "the boys" sent you.
By the way its hard to believe but this wil be the 400th post since I started this blog so thanks for making this all possible. Also if you know of cool fashion sites or your favorite stores please feel free to send then my way and I will be more than happy to include them here. So glad we had this time together.
They are very much like "Party Lite" that they burn down to nothing, wicks burn completely, scent is throughout the entire candle and of course start as small as tealights all the way up to 3 wick candles. The difference is the price. Harwood candles are cheaper in price but I really feel that the quality is WAY better and each and every candle is hand poured, which I feel makes a big difference. Besides the minute you meet Penny she becomes family.
If you are in the Berlin area sometime the address is
4939 W. Main Street
Berlin, Ohio 44610
For those out of state they have a web site and I know Penny would be thrilled to send you her candles. The web site is The new store also has this delightful woman and her handmade purses. I don't remember her namebut the purses were cute, very well priced and in my opinion were equal in style to most of Vera Bradley but way cheaper. Tell Penny "the boys" sent you.
By the way its hard to believe but this wil be the 400th post since I started this blog so thanks for making this all possible. Also if you know of cool fashion sites or your favorite stores please feel free to send then my way and I will be more than happy to include them here. So glad we had this time together.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Thoughts of an old friend today
I have had one of those days today, where no matter what else was going on I couldn't get an old friend off my mind. Elizabeth Rhodes was that friend. Unfrortunately Elizabeth died earlier this year of cancer and I wish I had the time to have gotten her even better than I did. Elizabeth was the former director of the Kent State University School of Fashion Design and I meet her well before I became a student there.
Elizabeth actually came to me to have some doll work done, she brought the photogrpah of what she waned made, brought the wig and these absolutely exquistie fabrics from all over Europe including real ermine. I fell head over in heels with Elizabeth the very first moment. I finished her doll a few months later and she came in and saw it and just cried. I ended up doing a doll for the big gala fundraiser event that year for Kent. She was my beacon, my inspiration and even htough she felt I didn't need school she did give me an invitstion to visit behind the ropes at the museum and I never did.
I think about Elizabeth alot while I am in school. If she would approve. If she would be thrilled that I am finally doing it. Would she be besides herself with the win I had with my first fashion show. She died before she knew what a huge impact she left on me and I owe her everything.
My one big goal in school is to meet Elzabeth's replacement J.R. Campbell and I am hoping I can build with him the relationship I wanted so deperately wanted with Elizabeth if we had been given the time. I am hoping J.R. and I can hit it off and he can become the mentor I wanted in Elizabeth and never had the guts to ask her for. So J.R. if your reading I am so looking forward to meeting you.
Elizabeth-- I want to thank you so deeply for eveything and for the passion, time, energy and the sould you put into the Fashion program at KSU I am indebted and love you for it.
Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.
Elizabeth actually came to me to have some doll work done, she brought the photogrpah of what she waned made, brought the wig and these absolutely exquistie fabrics from all over Europe including real ermine. I fell head over in heels with Elizabeth the very first moment. I finished her doll a few months later and she came in and saw it and just cried. I ended up doing a doll for the big gala fundraiser event that year for Kent. She was my beacon, my inspiration and even htough she felt I didn't need school she did give me an invitstion to visit behind the ropes at the museum and I never did.
I think about Elizabeth alot while I am in school. If she would approve. If she would be thrilled that I am finally doing it. Would she be besides herself with the win I had with my first fashion show. She died before she knew what a huge impact she left on me and I owe her everything.
My one big goal in school is to meet Elzabeth's replacement J.R. Campbell and I am hoping I can build with him the relationship I wanted so deperately wanted with Elizabeth if we had been given the time. I am hoping J.R. and I can hit it off and he can become the mentor I wanted in Elizabeth and never had the guts to ask her for. So J.R. if your reading I am so looking forward to meeting you.
Elizabeth-- I want to thank you so deeply for eveything and for the passion, time, energy and the sould you put into the Fashion program at KSU I am indebted and love you for it.
Until next time, I am so glad we had this time together.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thought for the day
Well today was another one of my crash days. School, home, bed for 4 hours it just seems to happen everynow and then. I hate Fibromyalgia at times, really I do. Finals week is next week so there seems to be a lot of pressure this week with trying to get everything done, personally I will be gald when it is all over. I really am going to need the break and spend some time doing something I really want to do. I have some sewing I want to do, some painting and a room I would like to wallpaper.
Fashion wise its all I think about, all the time, fromt he minute I get up to the minute I fall asleep. Have really been thinking of changing the utter focus to nothing but fashion, but part of me is worried about losing my Oz/Judy readers. Than again maybe I have already lost them? I have added direct links to some of my favorite web sites and some new ones I am finding as I would love this to be one of the places you stop when it comes to fashion and especially fashion with a gay flair.
The exquisite photograph is from an advertisment for Louis Vuitton using one of my favorite fashion idols "Madge", as her friends call her, and Madonna to the rest of us. Personally the photograph is stunning and Madge never looked better. Tune in tomorrow for another photograph of our Material Girl for Louis Vuitton.
Fashion wise its all I think about, all the time, fromt he minute I get up to the minute I fall asleep. Have really been thinking of changing the utter focus to nothing but fashion, but part of me is worried about losing my Oz/Judy readers. Than again maybe I have already lost them? I have added direct links to some of my favorite web sites and some new ones I am finding as I would love this to be one of the places you stop when it comes to fashion and especially fashion with a gay flair.
The exquisite photograph is from an advertisment for Louis Vuitton using one of my favorite fashion idols "Madge", as her friends call her, and Madonna to the rest of us. Personally the photograph is stunning and Madge never looked better. Tune in tomorrow for another photograph of our Material Girl for Louis Vuitton.
Monday, May 3, 2010
News of the day
Well I got my last College Writing 1 paper back I and I am pleased to say I got a B. There were some minor problems with it, that made it the grade it was but overall I think I did well. Today I found out I have a $170 price difference from what I was told would be the cost for the summer semester. Was not looking forward to that at all but will somehow come up with that difference. As of Saturday of last week I did raise the needed $1,500 for summer semester and boy did I work my butt off.
Been trying to get ahold of my student advisor at the Kent campus now for over a week and half to see if she could lift some of the requirements needed for Fall Classes. It isn't anything major as the requirements is simply classes I willbe taking in the summer. Not getting of her is getting really annoying.
Jim re-read the paperwork from the Project Runway application and found out today IF I get accepted to the next round THEY CALL ME. So we all need to send out good karma so they pick up th ephone and call me.
Also found out today that the parking permit for summer is $40 so I need to come up with that as well. Then of course as times roll on cocst for books. So it is going to be lots of doll work and more than likely baby sitting to get the dough.
I would really ask all of you what you would like for me to talk about here, I havenoticed a big surge in readers in the last two months and I am wondering why all of you come here and what you would like for me to talk about. My plan at some point is talk somemore about fashion.
If you noticed I changed some of the stuff on my blog with links and the main discription and I have really been gving thoguht to changing the blog name--more than likely not the web address just the name of it--Not sure. Again would love to hear what you think.'
Until then I am so glad we had this time together.
Been trying to get ahold of my student advisor at the Kent campus now for over a week and half to see if she could lift some of the requirements needed for Fall Classes. It isn't anything major as the requirements is simply classes I willbe taking in the summer. Not getting of her is getting really annoying.
Jim re-read the paperwork from the Project Runway application and found out today IF I get accepted to the next round THEY CALL ME. So we all need to send out good karma so they pick up th ephone and call me.
Also found out today that the parking permit for summer is $40 so I need to come up with that as well. Then of course as times roll on cocst for books. So it is going to be lots of doll work and more than likely baby sitting to get the dough.
I would really ask all of you what you would like for me to talk about here, I havenoticed a big surge in readers in the last two months and I am wondering why all of you come here and what you would like for me to talk about. My plan at some point is talk somemore about fashion.
If you noticed I changed some of the stuff on my blog with links and the main discription and I have really been gving thoguht to changing the blog name--more than likely not the web address just the name of it--Not sure. Again would love to hear what you think.'
Until then I am so glad we had this time together.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
some things never change
well it happened again and I swore last time I wasn't going to kvetch or bitch about it but some things just never freaking change. Another beautiful table, another wonderful meal, another nice fresh flower arrangement, a nice mother's present and my family stayed a hole flipping hour. They came down today for mothers day as my mother wants to spend mothers day with her mother so I aggreed to it. A whole days worth of work for a whole *&%$*%#$@ hour and not a simple thank you or anything. Why the hell do I bother? Why the hell do I care? Why the hell does it upset me so much?
It is all rather simple I think and its all because it was never like this and now for almost seven years it has been and I @#*&$%* hate it. Plain and simple. Then I wonder why there is no way I want to talk about my family on Project Runway if I get accepted and no way they are meeting any of the "Lifetime people". It just hurts so freaking bad. I feel orphaned in many ways.
It is all rather simple I think and its all because it was never like this and now for almost seven years it has been and I @#*&$%* hate it. Plain and simple. Then I wonder why there is no way I want to talk about my family on Project Runway if I get accepted and no way they are meeting any of the "Lifetime people". It just hurts so freaking bad. I feel orphaned in many ways.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Not Myself Tonight--Unedited video
Ok fair warning there is some bondage wear, some near nudity and the use of "the finger" in this video but Oh my gosh when it came to what Christina did with this and most of the "fashion" in this video I HAD TO SHARE with all of you my faithful readers and fellow fashionista's. So with that said turn up the volumne and ROCK ON!
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