I hope you are enjoying all the posts about my Judy Garland finds, my L. Frank Baum treasures and of course my Oz things as well. What I also hope is that you find reading about me to some degree is also enlightening and we become better friends in the process.
Spring classes at Kent State University (Stark Campus) are not that far away and our books go on sale January 10th with classes starting very shortly after that. I am excited. I am taking Painting 1, 2D Compostion and College Writing 1. For those out of the loop this is my second semester at KSU and I ended up with a 3.3 GPA at the end of my first semester.
I am really looking forward to the writing class as I am hoping it will change I write in this blog, how I write in general and honestly was the biggest reason I felt I wanted to go back to school. I wanted to pursue this feeling I HAD something to say". I still feel that way. Honestly there is this huge part of me that would love to be a writer,

I have felt for well over a year now that I have no one who I can talk to, who is honestly listening to "WHAT I AM REALLY SAYING". I think they hear what they want and nothing more, voice an opinion usually very different than what I just said and i am left feeling like G-d almighty himself has spoke. Not a good feeling let me tell you kids. Maybe some of you feel this is to personal to share here but at least I KNOW someone is reading-anyway.
I am still very torn major wise between a Fine Arts& Crafts/Textile's degree, Fine Arts/Drawing Degree or do I pursue a Fashion Design Degree or somehting in a Wrting profession. My heart at times screams "Fashion, nothing else Charlie" but again its one of those topics i have no one to talk to.
My biggest concern right now has been this ung-dly crippling fatigue. All I want to do is sleep and so far all I am doing for the most part is just that. it has me worried some about Spring Classes as two of the 4 days I am on campus it is 1/2 of the day from like 8 am to past 1 or so. I can't be like this attend school they way I have it scheduled right now. But I want this college thing so bad!
I am left many times saying "What would Judy do"? Well in my mind, Judy would fight like hell, find someone not only to talk to but someone who would truly listen. Judy would come out swinging and get what she wanted. Judy is by now as you know what most days keeps me going, keeps me motivated and helps keeping me focused. I know nuts but its like she is my guardian angel.
Well gang justa few hours till the new year and I wanted to take the time and wish every one a very happy, prosperous and joyous New Year.