Well "Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad" is the second book in this wonderfully charming series written by L. Frank Baum under the pen name Edith Van Dyne. This book was written in 1906 but was not published til 1907, published by Reilly & Britton Company and illustrated by E. A. Nelson. It is 347 pages in length, the book measures 715/16 x 5 1/2 and originally sold for $1.25.
This story deals with the adventures of the girls and their beloved Uncle John. It is of note that this story also coincides with a trip Frank and Maude(Baum's wife) made the previous year. The story shares the same ocean liner, the arriving and departing of the same ports, and staying in the same Italian Hotels.
Maude noted in her journals of the trip that Frank was unimpressed by the paintings of the old masters much like the Uncle John character. The statement Uncle John makes while in Florence " All these Ohs and Ahs over the old masters are rank humbug, and I am ashamed of the people that don't know better". Baum was both expressing his own American chauvinism and slyly referencing that now world famous humbug, the wizard of Ahs.
This story primarily deals with the part of the trip that Uncle John, Patsy, Beth and Louise have in Italy, in particularly Sicily. There is a count or so we think, dealing with the Mafia, a
kidnapping, a ransom and many twists and turns and a surprise ending that seems to come out of no where. Once again a very charming story that I do not want to give away all the details of but enough to intrigue you to go searching for this book, or get you talking with me to tell you the story.

The copy I have is a sixth printing done around 1911 and holds the name Marie Seelbach written on the end papers of the book. This book also at one point was part of the St. Stephen Martyr School Library in Louisville, Kentucky. It is stamped in the front of the book and also has the card holder in the back of the book. This book like the previous one has only one other illustration, besides the cover art, and is shown at the left.
This incredibly beautiful Youtube post is by a friend of mine Dr. Franky Dolan. I thought it was incredibly fitting since we are just days away from the Christmas season. To all of my Jewish readers-hoping all of you are having a happy Hanukkah
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