The next book I do want to talk about though is "Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work" which would make this the fourth book in the series. Written in 1909 By L. Frank Buam still under the pen name Edith Van Dyne this story is about Louise, Patsy and Beth going to work in politics. There good friend Kenneth Forbes decides to run for Legislature and gets discouraged very early on, so the girls and Uncle John decide for a return visit to Elmhurst to help Ken run his campaign.
There is a dishonest senator, a girl with amnesia and lots of other twists, turns and fun in this story that keeps you turning the pages. As before I don't want to give the story away fully but to get you intrigued to read it for yourself. My edition according to "The book Collector's Guide to L.
Frank Baum and Oz" is a First Edition- Second Printing printed in 1910. The book is 299 pages in length, measures 7 7/16 by 5 1/4 and originally sold for sixty cents. This book like the others has only one other illustration besides the cover.

Now unto some personal news of sorts, I have been giving some very personal thought to this blog and what goes into it with nearly 4, 050 hits I feel as if people are reading--hopefully. But I am never sure of it. Is it because I belong about Buam, Judy, Oz or is it about me-- because you know me, want to know me, know me better. So I have been thinking about adding more of my story--what is happening as it happens as this blog use to be. Still include the Baum, Oz, Judy stuff as well.
I would really like your thoughts, your feelings, your input about this before I just do it. My feeling now for a year is that I HAVE something to say but just not sure what and that
something needs a voice. This I think is the place to do it.
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