This week emotionally has been one of my most trying in my entire life and without going into huge details about it (
which many of you know somethings are best kept quiet and I do when the time is right) it has brought about a huge change in me. Also by focusing on the negative I am feeding it power, which I will not do., especially after reading the "New Earth". What I want to focus on is that change and the positive.
The issue that changed my life this week was a series of bold lie I was told, and like many of you reading this I am one of those people that when you lie to me it sends up some red flags. When those lies are compounded to the degree they were this week and everything "I thought I knew" was a lie, I had to rid myself of the liar.
I was directed by the facts, once I had them from people I trust with the very life I have;

responded to those facts without losing any of my temper or letting myself become emotionally attached. Stated those facts and did what I knew was the very best thing possible. In reality I felt like I really became a man for the first time in my life.
Tried by fire, led by consciousness and in the end became stronger. I could ask for nothing more.
As far as my laryngitis my voice is all but completely gone. To the point that as of today it is a mere whisper. G-d must truly want me vocally silent for now, and I know in my hearts of hearts I am open to listen to what "He" wants and needs to say to me. With that said I want to go into some of what I learned out of Chapter 4 with all of you, and like chapter 3 it was quiet a bit so it will be broke up over a few days.
1). Become alert to your negativity--"unhappiness, resentment, discontent, nervousness or the feeling of being fed up. Become truly alert to the negativity and repeat silently.... "At this moment, I am creating suffering for myself".

2). "The ego doesn't know that your opportunity for being at peace is now. Or maybe it does know, and it is afraid that you may find this out. Peace, after all, is the end of the ego". page 115
3). In Zen they say "Don't seek the truth. Just cease to cherish opinions". page 121
4). If you can get more still there is less stress, more presence. Let go completely of fear and desire, by doing so it can only awaken those who are ready. You are the light. I am aware. The source of all energy is within you!
I want to close tonight by sharing with you some thoughts from the Bhagavad Gita--which is Hindu thought......
From anger comes confusion; from confusion memory lapses;
from broken memory understanding is lost;
from loss of understanding; he is ruined.
But a man of inner strength whose senses experience objects
without attraction and hatred,
in self control, finds serenity.
In serenity; all his sorrows dissolve;
his reason becomes serene,
his understanding sure. Without discipline,
he has no understanding or inner power;
without inner peace power, he has no peace,
and without peace where is joy?