Well gang, I know it has been a while again since I posted but things here have been busy as usual. You know normal life stuff--house work, shopping, yard care, laundry and then of course dolly work. Stuff for customers as always and then the last week or so working on a doll for our church raffle in October. The town our church is in has an Applefest in October and our church does a raffle and this year one of the prizes is this doll.
It is going to be this Linda Rick doll with 3-4 dresses I am making, a handmade teddy bear, a blankie, a pillow and an antique baby bassinet. The one dress has been so far a fair amount of work to it as I am embroidering kitties on it. Its one of those iron on transfers that some people use in childrens quilts. The kitties are doing sutff like ironing, cooking, wheeling baby litties ina buggy. In all 6 iron on transfers. It should be awfully adorable when it is done.
Today is the last art class till mid September and then I have to find out for sure about the
timing for my Spirituality Class at Akron General I spoke back some time ago and then adjust my art classes around that. I have been working ona portrait in that clas of Jim's mother when she was 16 which was in the early 1920's and if finished in time will b e one of his Christmas presents. Somewhat of a secret so lets keep that between us. Right now still praying and witing to see if enough people have signed up for the class to go forward. Lets all hope there are enough for the class to happen, and lets all continue to pray.

As some of you may know the last few days here have been raining quiet a bit and there is some minor flooding in our town. Nothing serious as the main river and then the Ohio Erie Canal run through some unhoused areas in town. So the worst of the damage is that the downtown park is under about foot or more of water and much deeper in spots. Usually in the last five years that I have lived here we only get minor canal/river flooding in the spring when the snow melts.
The "shoe complaint lady" did show up and I made Jim deal with her and after all the headache, heart ache and complainign she did with me on the phone, she was as nice as sin can be and just "an utter joy" to work with--JIm's words not mine. I could have literally screamed! Oh well

We, being Jim and I, took my parents out for supper as it was my Dad's birthday--he turned 68 by the way-- and we had such a nice time and such a great meal in one of those Amish run and owned restraunts in Amish country by my parents, which is a little different then the Amish country by Jim and I.
Well gang its off to work, hope all of you are doing well and that you are finding the strength to get through lifes daily stuff, and the finding the hope to help you conquer even those little "mini battles" as I call them. Until then my friends may G-d shine his face on you and surround you in his love.
Charlie--you all remember this right? And how to do it right? If so join me
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