As far as cats go he had a very spoiled, wonderful life and in all actuality almost died right after Ron did as he was so sorrowful without his "Daddy". He did perk up and did recover and I became his "Daddy" in stead of his "Mommy"
He has been really sick the last 4-5 days and I knew his time with me and Jim was limited but as with human life one never knows exactly when someone is going to die. J.C., I am happy to say died peacefully in the dog's bed and just died sleeping.

I have never been able to forgive myself for that, probably may not be able to either--I am stil not sure. It makes me scared though that when it comes time for me to die that "that someone in my life" will have just stepped out of the room for that moment and I will die.
I do know after thinking about it most of the day today that G-d already knows the answer to this, that to some extent it is already planned and just waiting to happen. I also know that all I can do is fill my life with people who really care for me and when the time comes for me to die that who ever needs to there will be and those who don't won't. Life is short as it is and I for one want to make it matter.
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