Wondering if any one saw my post about "A New Earth" a few days ago and if any of you are reading it like I am? I would really love to hear from you if you are, and what you are experiencing it. For me it has changed my thinking--my perceptions, my expectations.
My father's eldest brother died day before St. Patrick's Day and being the very large Irish family we are his children have opted for a grave side military service. He--my uncle this is-- was 88. Same as my maternal grandmother was

Jim is waiting to hear about a new part time job with Visiting Nurses and I am hoping as well as he is that he gets the job. He has been so unhappy where is now for so long he deserves the change in my opinion.
I know Easter is this weekend and Spring is around the corner but I just got figured how to get my pictures off my digital camera unto my computer and I wanted to share the doll I made for Akron's Children Hospital at Christmas time and their big fund raiser they do every year. It is usually all Christmas trees and some other items and of course being the doll person I am and the Oz collector I am I had to combine the two together in this wonderful creation I called "Dreams of Oz".
It is of course an Ashton Drake "Baby Emily" that I did the re-borning process on and than made

The Lion is than made out of some old material I had laying around including that mane which used to be an old collar on a coat I picked up. He is fully jointed--child safety of course, child safety black eyes and embroidered mouth and nose. His tail material matches with a cute fur piece at the end of it. He is actually made as Dorthy's bed-time friend.
The quilt is all hand made by me as well and was also fabric I had laying around and is all hand embroidered. The main print is this tiny red flower not poppies my my salute to them as well and of course the yellow--need I say more

I wanted to show these as I haven't shown a lot of my work here lately and I know some of you enjoy when I do and that may be why you visit my site. I don't want to seem as I am "tooting my own horn" if you will or add to my ego but I do like having all of you in my life to share it.
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