Between this letter that follows and a conversation with a neighbor who sufferes from Celiacs Disease, who feels if I changed my diet, started exercsing and added extreme vitamin intake to my regimne of things I take it would change everything for me for the better.
So this morning I went and bought Centrum Silver, the neighbor gave me some mega dose vitamnis and recommended where to get
more when I run out. She alos suggested a Glutten Free Diet. That latter one I want to investigate more before I overhaul my whole diet.

Dear Charlie:
I read your blog a few minutes ago and I was really shocked. Not so much at the degree to which you are suffering from the fatigue and all, but the attitude of the doctor. It seems as if she is telling you to give up and die.
I know you have a lot of problems and I know first hand how the daily fatigue and pain can make you wish you were "at peace" finally, but believe me there is more help out there........
Maybe between the Mayo clinic and a new drug you could get some of your stamina back? That and see a good neurologist for the neuropathy. They might have more answers too
because they are a teaching hospital so they know the latest on all the therapies going on.
Charlie, I have days when I wonder why I'm fighting the tide so hard too. I wonder "is this all there is?" The answer is NO. This is not all there is, and life IS worth fighting for! Yes, some days I want to give up but there is a little light inside that is God speaking, telling me I have more to do, more to offer. You have these classes you worked so hard to get. If God wants you there he will see you through this.
He did not say it would be easy, but that He would be with us each step of the way! Remember that. I can't believe that this is all there is to your life and it's your time yet. You didn't outlive all those 600 and reach 40 just to say you did it. He has a plan and He, not the
doctor will decide when it is time.
As for me, I'm going down swinging! I've told Larry and Jill when I go to write in my obituary that, "I went kicking and screaming!" "That I did not go peacefully into that dark night" like most obits read. "She went peacefully to be with our Lord" is NOT going to be my legacy. I'm fighting for everyday that He will allow me to have here...........
I do hope I'm not over stepping my limits here I just know with all my health issues it is hard and I can honestly say I do understand. I know what you are feeling but I do think a lot of it is fatigue, depression and pain talking. If you could get some help for those you might just get through this crisis......
You love the OZ things. Judy found her answer within
herself. Look into yourself. Are you really ready to let go and go home permanently? Or do you want to play in OZ with Jim a bit longer? Home (Heaven) will always be there but OZ (this life) is as fleeting as Dorothy's dream. Forty is too damn young to die!
Here is a link to Mayo Clinic's site on the peripheral neuropathy
I know you have a lot of problems and I know first hand how the daily fatigue and pain can make you wish you were "at peace" finally, but believe me there is more help out there........
Maybe between the Mayo clinic and a new drug you could get some of your stamina back? That and see a good neurologist for the neuropathy. They might have more answers too

Charlie, I have days when I wonder why I'm fighting the tide so hard too. I wonder "is this all there is?" The answer is NO. This is not all there is, and life IS worth fighting for! Yes, some days I want to give up but there is a little light inside that is God speaking, telling me I have more to do, more to offer. You have these classes you worked so hard to get. If God wants you there he will see you through this.
He did not say it would be easy, but that He would be with us each step of the way! Remember that. I can't believe that this is all there is to your life and it's your time yet. You didn't outlive all those 600 and reach 40 just to say you did it. He has a plan and He, not the

As for me, I'm going down swinging! I've told Larry and Jill when I go to write in my obituary that, "I went kicking and screaming!" "That I did not go peacefully into that dark night" like most obits read. "She went peacefully to be with our Lord" is NOT going to be my legacy. I'm fighting for everyday that He will allow me to have here...........
I do hope I'm not over stepping my limits here I just know with all my health issues it is hard and I can honestly say I do understand. I know what you are feeling but I do think a lot of it is fatigue, depression and pain talking. If you could get some help for those you might just get through this crisis......
You love the OZ things. Judy found her answer within

Here is a link to Mayo Clinic's site on the peripheral neuropathy
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/peripheral-neuropathy/DS00131 .
It might give you a bit of hope that maybe they can help. You would be shocked at what they can do there! I've sent a young woman with an inoperable brain tumor there and she has passed her one year anniversary and is still doing well.
With that said my friends, it really got me thinking about everything that has happened since meeting with my HIV Specialist and this whole neruopathy thing. The whole neighbor thing and her being so mad at my doctors and starting vitamins. It made me realize there still is so much left for me to do yet, so much more to enjoy and since this post is running rather long I am going to save my opinions on Oz till later. Thank you everyone of you that take the time and read the blog and fro being there through this all.
Well this time its another twist of music set to Oz pictures-----Freddie Mercury and Queen singing "You're My Best Freind"-----Thanks for everything Christins