The detailed accusations, posted on, claim that Voronov, now a law-school grad, conned friends into giving him money a few years ago, but made sure not to put anything on paper so that he couldn’t be held accountable.
Victor S. Voronov operated a fraudulent/fake investment company called CIS Capital Holdings from 2007 to 2009. His targets were primarily friends, colleagues, former classmates, roommates, and acquaintances. Using the relationship of trust he had acquired with these people, he would con them into believing that he was running a very successful investment company…
He would also send a fraudulent ‘prospectus’ that detailed the structure of the investment, the type of investments being made, etc. He was very careful not to put any promise of earnings on paper, but would do so at length over the phone or in person. Promises of 25-50% returns in a few months, for example…
Eventually when the investors asked to receive official reports or cash out, they were met with ignored calls and emails and delays. Eventually Mr. Voronov cut off all communication (changed phone numbers, email addresses, blocked users from Facebook, etc.). Many months went by without any response from him regarding the status of the invested money or when the investors could get their money back.
Eventually, one by one, the investors were contacted by phone by Victor Voronov’s father, Anatoly “Tony” Voronov (owner of CIS Ventures, Inc.). Investors were informed that Victor has been admitted to a drug rehabilitation clinic (for addiction to amphetamines) and would not be able to communicate with anyone for 3-6 months. The actual duration of the rehabilitation, according to his father, lasted approximately 9 months at a private drug rehab clinic near Altanta, GA.

Tanrioldu claims to be a former friend of Voronov’s but, in an email to Queerty, said he couldn’t reveal any personal details. “I have to remain anonymous because Victor is bullying his victims with threats of defamation lawsuits if we go public about what he has done to us. But I can tell you that he has been reported to the FBI, the Attorney General of NY, the SEC, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, and the RCMP.”
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