Today was some better and with the walker some what more steady on my feet, but still managed to fall around 12:30 this afternoon--not nearly as hard as the other falls but it was still what it was--rolling my eyes! You know how Joan Crawford in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" can one get
Managed to call and leavea message for the case manager at the Taskforce and still haven't heard form her and we are going on 6:00 p.m. I also called my local doctor to see if I could get a referal for home health aide as I have a friend involved in it and she said I should be able to qualify as I am on Medicaid/Medicare. Hopefully within a few days the nurse will be out to interveiw me to see if I am eligible for the program. It can't hurt right? But I guess that is what the porcupine said to the sheep he wanted to date--I know I know, bad me!
Also for the dolly lovers out there I want to share the newest Robert Tonner doll from the "Wizard of Oz" series he is doing it is of course the Wicked Witch of the East.

Well until next time keep me in your prayers......
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