Well I am not sure if I mentioned earlier this week about my doctor's appointment that I had with my HIV Specialist on Wednesday. As many of you know I drive into Cleveland to see my Doctor which I do not mind and many of you know how ill I have been again here lately. It seems at this time that it has gone from bad to worse.
When I saw my Doctor and got tests results 3 months ago my .....
T-cell count was 157 and my viral load was 1,200 which wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either
Yesterday my T-cell count was 86 (which is almost half of what it was) and my Viral Load is now 450,000. (Triple of what it was).
Keep in mind that Viral load should be as close to zero as possible as that is the amount of active virus in my body--almost if you will as 450,000 soldiers waging war against me. While my T-cells should be high (normal is 8,000) which means I have fighting for me 86 men.
My doctor wants me to see another HIV/AIDS Specialist for a one time second opinion visit at the Cleveland Clinic because according to the blood tests I should be responding to medication I am already on.
This isViral Loas wise the very worst I have EVER been. My T-cells have been lower but right now according to my doctor it is VERY bad and any little anything could be very serious indeed even life threatening. Pneumonia at this point could and more than likely literally kill me.
I was not expecting quiet this news, I knew I felt bad I knew how tired I was all the time and quiet honestly I thought it was because of the fibromyalgia and nothing more. Boy was I wrong! Needless to say I am scared right out of my mind right now and not sure were all this is going to lead but I need to do something and very quick.
As always I ask you keep me in your thoughts.
My Prayers are there for you Charlie. Keep wishing on Rainbows & clicking those Ruby Reds--the Power of OZ will pull you through!! Not to mention all your OZZY Friends prayers!! Kelly
I always keep you in my prayers. Today I will send out a few extra that you get back to feeling better soon!
Sending Hugs & Love, Christina
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