Well kids I am once again to give my take on fashion at these award shows and well kids many of you know last night was the Grammy's and I just loved the opening sequence. I am also happy that it seemed so very "gay friendly". Well unto the fashion........

Ok kids, Christina Hendrick in Zac Posen Resort 2011. Kids, I am not sure about this one at all. The color of her dress with her hair seems all too wrong, while the ostrich feathers as the trim seem too dainty and too delicate for her more "full figure", but than maybe its me. Not a hit, not a miss more of a snooze if you ask me. I am sure I may here differently from all of you but it is just my opinion.

Ok now everyone here knows I am a HUGE Project Runway fan oh dahlink's Heidi Klumm missed the mark big time. With scores of designers to choose from, a show about fashion taste and up and coming fashion talent this is a big time MISS. First off I love the fact that Heidi is showing leg but honey if that dress was any shorter "you would be showing off the good china" as Project Runway contestant Peach would say. Sweetie, "your gay" should realize you are not a kid anymore and a mother of at least 3 kids I believe, while the necklace is way overpowering and the hair and makeup is overdone. Sorry Heidi, love you but your out on this one, you should have known better.

Ok, Jane Lynch is wearing Ali Rahmi. As Sue Sylvester we love to hate her but at first glance it was "OH MY GAWD I love this" than I saw the bottom of it. "Her gay" should be slapped silly because he forgot the iron. Child honestly if it weren't for the wrinkling/puckering or whatever was going on at the bottom of this I would adore this beyond words. So for me this is NEAR HIT but with an outfit malfunction. One a personal note I adore that Jane had the hutzpah to thank "her wife" from the stage. Makes me love you even more Jane besides to quote Kathy Bates from "Delores Clayborn" ..... "Sometimes being a bitch is the only thing you have to hang on to"---my point power to the bitches myself included

Oh dahlinks, where does one begin when perfection is reached.
Kathy Griffin, girl we love ya, honestly "your gay" should be seriously applauded. The dress by the way is Oscar de la Renta. This is where the whole "his/her gay" came from. It takes an army of gay men in fashion, hair and makeup to make the stars shine and Kathy realizes that, embraces us and loves us for it. Now I know some have bashed ala Griffin for this look but this gay LOVES IT and her foul mouth and all. By the way if you have the extra coins kids, Kathy is coming the first part of September to the Cleveland Playhouse.

Oh dalinks last one for me and it is the vocal songstress diva Lea Michele. Oh my, when I first saw her I was like who the hell is that that? Then of course they got to talking "Glee" and I was like OH MY GAWD she is all grown up. Of course Lea is 24 playing a kid in high school but this look made her a little more mature in my opinon and I just ADORE it. "Her gay" should get an award
. She is wearing Oscar de la Renta as well and honey it works for her. Well until next time I am so glad we had this time together.
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