This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY! I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
According to

According to the 01/09/11
Friday, May 14, 2010
Grease and a Taylor Hicks Rant
Intriguing opening huh? I ain't going to be praising crisco although I am sure Playhouse Square is grateful for it because "Grease" is a BLAZING SMASH! Jim and I went and saw it last night and the cast was just wonderful the only peeve I have with the whole production is Taylor Hicks.
First off advertising made it seem like Taylor was the star of the show well kids he was NOT! He had one bit part as teen angel and sang one damn song. He did half a chorus with the cast during final bows and then SHAMELESSLY promoted his new CD with one song from that, at the end. The people who came to see Grease were leaving!
He is still doing that weird stand he was doing on American Idol and vocals, well kids I wasn't impressed. They announced he was doing a meet and great and the catch was you had to buy his $20.00 CD to meet him according to his Bitchy queen manager. HUGE TURN OFF! With this in mind when I got there their was NO ONE IN LINE TO meet him. He was ear shot away and I said "So we can't even say hi" Ms. Bitchy Queen manager said "No you can't" and Taylor gave me this annoyed I can't believe you asked that look. So Ms. Diva Taylor you ain't all that and girl you need to get off your soapbox and remember who put you in the winning spot your public.
I lost all respect for Taylor Hicks and if "Ms. Diva" had her wits about her she would fire "Ms. Bitchy Queen" Mananger immediately.
I just can't stand when people forget how they got where they are and who got them there and then get all high and mighty, like "My sh*t don't stink" or some nonsense. Well let me tell you kids, where would any of us be without the people who paved the way for us. Drag queens throwing bricks at Stonewall, dykes rallying around those who were dying of AIDS in the 1980's, stars like Lena Horne and Hattie Mc Daniels who paved the way for actresses of color, men pursuing a career in fashion. The screaming flamers invading city hall demanding marriage rights and the "sterotypical queer" taking to the streets every year for Pride, straight women wanting to be lumber jacks.
None of us would have any rights with out any of these people. People of color in the movies--forget it, your queer and out hair dresser---never happen! Legal and safe abortions---no way on earth, Gay marriage---don't make me laugh.
So my advice is be who you are, and darling if that is a big snooze bore well hurrah for you but for the rest of us who drag out our boas and scream who we are from the roof tops and make our voices vocal and heard--we are the ones paving the way so you can be your drab big snooze bore.
As Auntie Mame said "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers and starving to death. Live LIVE live!
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Hmm, I've never seen him not want to talk to a fan. Maybe it was your bitchy queen attitude. Just sayin'
When I saw Grease the majority of the audience loved seeing Mr. Hicks perform his song at the & thoroughly enjoyed it. (Myself included.) He was very accessible & open to the hundreds of fans who lined up to get an autograph afterward. Yea, he promotes his CD at the shows, but he's an indy artist who doesn't have all the big shots spending millions to help promote it. I say more power to him.
If there was a bitchy look,it probably was for the manager having to do that, we who know him know that he prefers situations where he can talk to just about anybody but with your attitude its not hard to see what happened. What do you have, Ms. MY **** don't stink, againist a person making a living? And if Tay was sooo bad why did you want to meet him anyway?
Don't forget the reason the theaters have remained full and not just half full on this tour is because of him. One cast member said they love having him there because they all sell more merchandise. Yes, they have to pay their bills too. Mr. Hicks is the big draw and also does all the press in each town. Lots of it. Sorry but that one song is not his only job. Far from it.
I saw Grease and loved it . Taylor was outstanding as his voice filled the auditorium and people stood to honor his performance. He is alsways thankful to his fans and the cast of Grease. When I saw Grease. the line of people buying his CD was tremendous and stretched to the other end of the theater, out of sight. I never saw any lady manager. I was having trouble walking and Taylor offered to help me. He was so gracious.
He had been playing that morning in a charity golf tournament and things were pretty tight to get back to the opening of Grease. He must have been exhausted from the flight, but it was for charity. He is a very compasonate person with a great voice and a warm personality. I am looking forward to see what Taylor Hicks has to share with us in the future. An awesome entertainer who is constantly thanking those who helped him along the way. I am with you all the way Taylor. A bit of information, Taylor was not the only Teen Angel to promote his CD as he did in Grease. All promotion says his part is Teen Angel but he does so much more for the production. Grease and Taylor have been great for each other! He's a hard worker and is very professional.
It's hilarious when people encounter a celebrity and thinks the celeb owes them something. You sir, are a tool.
Taylor is only one person, and has only so much time. He has many commitments, and spend hours flying to different engagements. Maybe he simply didn't have the time to stand around and greet every single person who wanted to meet him. Maybe they needed to find some way to curtail the number of people wanting his time. Maybe he wasn't feeling well, maybe he fired the manager after the meet and greet. Who knows? There could be any reason for things going down the way the did that night. Why not cut them some slack, and realize that YOU were not their number one priority that night. He does so many kind things for people, why not concentrate on that? You rock Taylor!
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