Sunday, January 31, 2010


I can't Believe this HAPPENING
The Original 1903 Musical Extravaganza
Book and Lyrics by L. Frank Baum
Music by Paul Tietjens
JULY 10, 2010 at 7:00 pm
Canton Palace Theatre
Canton, Ohio

TICKETS GO ON SALE April 10, 2010.
Tickets will be available by phone and online.

Tickets for THE WIZARD OF OZ: Adults: $20/Children & Students: $10
To Order Tickets for the
Canton Comic Opera Company
or for More Information
Call (330) 492-8011 or Email
The Canton Comic Opera Company's 2010 Production of THE WIZARD OF OZ
will be performed at the

Canton Palace Theatre
605 Market Avenue North
Canton, OH 44702

End of January--where have you gone!!

It is the end of January and believe me when I say, I do not know where the time has gone so quickly.  Somehow this month I was able to get in 26 posts in 31 days and with  my track record for posting that is a lot of posting, probably the most posting I have ever done in a month.  I have shared some collectibles that I have found along the way, I have shared some of my own personal experiences along the way and hopefully you and I, my faithful readers, have become better acquianted and in the process become better friends.

The other fact I can not get over is the idea that tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. I meet with the faculty at Kent State University and declare my major.  I know that may not sound like a lot to you but this is a huge turning point for me!  Claiming what I want, what I actually need for myself for the first time in my life.  There is so much back story and history to this, it is near impossible for me to share it with you, but if you would like to know please feel very free to contact me and we can talk.  In the long run it boils down to finally proving to myself that I can make it in Fashion Design, and by G-d I am going to or die trying.

I have said it before and I will say it again, that my time has come to put myself first and dream big and to accomplish it while I still can.  I have as of today 18 1/2 years and 15 days living with AIDS so many more than most people in the past ever got and by G-d there is a reason I am still here, still thriving and still fighting as they say!  That is to accomplish the impossible, graduate from college with a degree in Fashion and live the dream I had before I found out I had AIDS.  This is huge for me.  I have never thought like this before, I am sure the self confidence will follow.  I will be the second person in my family with a college degree, but I will be the FIRST person to do anything with it once I have it!  Again another very long story.

I know at least three people though who are or would be very proud of me and my decision to pursue this--- the first of course is Jim.  What would I do without Jim?  In the beginning he didn't even want to talk about fashion and now well he is talking about me attending full time!  Big changes are in the wind.  The second would be Ron.  Right before he died he was so remorseful that we gave up so much of our lives to run "New Hope",  again another long story but I know beyond doubt he would be thrilled.  Lastly and this is a huge guess on my part but I KNOW Judy is just smiling  from heaven and saying to herself "You give 'em hell sweetie"!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dreams of Lorna

I guess this is my month for dreams associated with either the incredible Judy Garland or things related to Oz, as I have had another one.  Last night while sleeping in the warmth of flannel sheets while it was frigid outside I dreamt I was at the cocktail party and we were sitting around watching "Me And My Shadows" the television movie about the life of Judy .  Sitting across from me was none other than the incredible, Lorna Luft.  I was speechless, yeah even dumbfounded and didn't say anything.  The scene changes slightly and we are at another party, as we are dressed differently and I am standing this time with a drink in my hand and right across from me is once again, Lorna Luft.

Well this time I was really star struck and my mouth agape and she approached me.  She just clamly says "Your a fan aren't you"? and I of course said "Yes, I am but I didn't want to embarass myself and make you uncomfortable and I hope I haven't".  She smiled slightly took my hand and says "I know what a huge fan you are, especially of my mother's and that meeting me must be blowing your mind right now, but I do understand".  I smile weakly at this point my knees weak and my insides very uneasy.

The scene changes slightly and we are sitting, she is holding my hand and out of the blue she says "I hear through my sources that you are very resourceful and quite talented with a thread and needle".  I smile and say "Well thank you Ms. Luft".  She replies "Lorna, please darling.  The reason I bring this up is I would like for you to design me this dress for an event I have to be at honoring Mom, and once that is done I have been asked to do a Broadway show and well darling the director and I both agree we want you to do all the costuming".

I awoke, smiling to some degree but slightly mad that I did wake up as now I don't know how it ended.  Although, maybe this dream has to play out in real life.  So Lorna, if your reading I am ready to sew for you.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Test Updates

I meant to due this Wednesday and somehow 2 days have flown by, boy am I bad. Well the news from the doctor is good T-cells are up a little, viral load is up a little which is not so good but nothing to serious he adds nothing for to me really worry about. He thinks it is primarily due to the stress of being in school. Stress in school, who knew!  I go back in three months for another check up and will let all of you know when that happens. In the meantime I guess it is business as usual.

The new tutor thing is going really well and I feel like I am learning so much more than before. I am, believe it or not, really enjoying History of Civilization II, although it is still a lot of hard work. But would I want it anyother way? All Kent State University needs to have now is a Judy Garland class, hmmmmm maybe the incredible John Fricke could teach with guess lecturers being Charless Triplett and Michael Seiwert! I would so be there!

Yesterday was my crash and burn day where I came home after my painting class and slept for like 4 solid hours. I woke upa the start of my day so tired that it was unreal. I guess almost 19 years of AIDS and a year of Fibromyalgia do that to a guy huh.  I was suppose to go to a special lecture on Fibromyalgia in Canton, that was advertised in the paper, but ended up sleeping to late to attend. Maybe they will do it again sometime. In the meantime still reading the last of the Aunt Jane's books and am almost done without.  Hopefully can finish it sometime this weekend if I am not buried in home work.  Until then happy Oz/Judy hunting and I am glad we had this time together......................

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doctor's Visit this afternoon...results to follow later today

Just a fast note before my History of Civilization II class that this afternoon I have my quarterly checkup with my HIV Specialist in Cleveland. At that time I will get test results to blood work I had earlier this month if the lab is on time with their work. I am a little anxious to see what he says as I know stress can play a factor in those results. Lets face being back in school can cause some stress, so I do expect some changes but hopefully nothing to major.

We have a new painting that will be due in a few weeks. Right now we are doing a monochromatic black and white painting with the next one bineg a color plus shades of black and white added to the color. The whole reason for me bringing this up is I am really thinking I am going to do the painting of the infamous "Ruby Reds", after all kids we all know it is about the shoes!

Well till later today................

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hey look me over.................

Hey take a gander at this kid--its that kind of day.....

Thoughts for the day----dreams of Garland

Well I didn't take the chance to sit and let everyone know what happened with school yesterday. I guess I was just so tired after a full day I needed the rest.  I was approved for the tutor, all they have to do know is find one for me, which I feel is a huge step in the right direction. The amount of homework this semester already has been a lot but I am so far staying ahead of it, it has taken a lot of work but I feel like I am proving how badly I want it.  I know in the long run it is going to be worth it in the end.

It has happened again, and when it does I am so eternally grateful that it does, Judy has come to me in my dreams. Now I know that more than likely this seems utterly silly, but for me these "visits with her" make my world a brighter place and I feel as if I get the chance to know her more than I do. Than again, maybe it is just an over active imagination on my part and some slight insanity .

It was I am assuming Hollywood. I do know it was the the late 1940's to early 1950's that this dream took place, but beyond that the details are fuzzy. This should be my first clue that it was a dream as in 1940 I wasn't even a thought in my mother's mind.  Judy and I are sitting in this incredibly well furnished workroom/studio where I am sitting and making dresses for Judy. Me working on Ms. Garland's gowns, can you even imagine? Personal, private information about what she will be wearing next and where it is to be worn before anyone, anywhere knows about it. The private fittings, those intimate details only a dressmaker knows about you.

We are sitting at a small, neat desk and laughing and just casually chatting her holding my hand the entire time. She looks me dead in the eye and says "You know, darling your the only designer that knows me so perfectly like a book. You dress me like no other and the amount of talent in your creations, well darling it is what keeps me coming back".

I smile and thank her, simply saying "Judy I only want the best for you always have, and always will". I wake up and am just all warm and fuzzy, slight tears in my eyes. I know this is never going to happen, Judy has been gone 41 years this June but somehow, in someway I feel recharged, encouraged knowing I am taking the right steps to make my dreams happen and that Judy approves.  I know your thinking my G-d in heaven he is a fruitcake to even be sharing this with us and maybe your right but in my thinking somehow it is a glimpse into my own psyche.  You knows maybe it is just over work, in the mean time though thaks Judy for the visit and thanks for believing in me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Signs of the current future

Well no new news on the Oz/Judy collecting front for right now as the near whole weekend was spent doing homework. Beginning to think maybe 3 classes this semester was a little ambitious but I am going to stick it out.

I am going to tomorrow to see if I will be eligible for a tutor for my History of Civilization 2 Class as that took most of the study time, and will let all of you know what the outcome of that is when I know.

In the meantime keep me in your thoughts and prayers that I can stay afloat as they say this semester and that in the end my grades will be good as well.

I am still inthe process of reading the last of the Aunt Jane's Nieces books as well and once I finish I will post my reveiw.  Also of interest I have 9 days before I met with the staff at the fashion school!  Where has the time gone?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thoughts about the Spring Semester so far

Well this semester has proved so far a full one, granted I have only been in classes a week but the homework load has been a heavy one which in all honesty has cut into my personal reading time as well as some of the other activities I was enjoying before the break was over.

Reading the last Aunt Jane's Nieces has been slow as my own reading has been nearly nothing this week, and for the last few months I have been working on a new Oz quilt.  This week I have not even been able to touch it.  It almost feels like withdrawals if you will, like Oz and Judy are some kind of drug. Not the illegal kind mind you but this wonder drug that makes life full, colorful and yes even wonderful.

We were asked in our Writing 1 Class to share our favorite author and well I have to say there was a sparkle in Professor Jay Slaone's eye when I said it was L. Frank Baum.  That of course as many of you know is no lie, I also mentioned Ruth Thompson and Gregory Maguire as well.  I think he knew exactly where my mind was and is, simply said Oz.

In the process of getting my computer fixed the Geek Squad wanted $150 additional to make a backup disk of all my files, needless to say I didn't have that and I lost every single Judy Garland, Wizard of Oz photogrpah and file I had 2 years of things down the toilet.  But what is a guy to do?  So if you have things on your computer you would like to share please do.  I will love ya for it!
Hopefully I can get adjusted to this new schedule and still have some me time for what I love most until next time good luck finding your next Oz/Judy treasure.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back after a comuter crash

Well my computer crashed, hence my absence and $410 later I am up and working and now damn near penniless. I had to use most of a CD I had stuck aside for the Judy GArland Festival in June which now looks like may not happen for me unless a miracle happens.

Classes started Tuesday and so far so good, lots of homework but I guess that is expected with 3 classes. I love it though and am so excited words at times fail me.  I am really forward to seeing what my College Wrting 1 class in regards to this blog and hopefully you like the changes.

I just wanted everyone to know where I went and that now everything is back to normal.  Thank you for reading and lets get back to talking Judy, Oz and of course some about me.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Down Sick

Well, I was going to do write this wonderfully moving blog entry about how far we have come in the civil rights movement but about how far we need to go as well. Instead I have come down really sick. It started yesterday just feeling like "lukewarm day old crap", not sure how else to describe that feeling. Today though oh my gosh it was full tilt feeling like crap. I ache everywhere, running a fever, feels like some 350 pound person is doing a charleston on my chest and my nose is running.

My whole day all but for about half an hour has been in bed sleeping, and I mean the whole damn day. So much for taking the time to remember a man as important as Martin Luther King Jr. As long as what ever is going on health wise is over by tomorrow it should be ok. The Spring semester starts tomorrow and well I need to be on my A-Game so I can do well grade wise.

In the meantime keep me in your thoughts and hopefully this "down Sick" will go away!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Strength Abides

My computer right now is giving my absolute fits, piece of shit that it is! I am going to have to break down and taking the frigging thing to Geek Squad and get it fixed. IN the mean time some poetry I wrote.

Strength Abides

From whence comes my strength?
What part of my body
Does it reside?

It is buried deep within
Coming to the surface
As I need it
When I call upon its name?

Is it at the outer edges
Protecting me
From the outside evils
That pervade at my door?

Is it something
I was born with
Is it something
I had to learn and gain?

Strength abides
Because I fight
For something more
For something
Bigger than I.

Strength abides
Because I know
No other way
To live
Or to eventually die.

Strength abides
Because I reject courage
Because I have fought
My entire life
For everything
That means anything.

Strength abides
Because I do!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West

Well gang I missed yesterday things just got very busy and before I knew it the day had passed.  Yesterday I drove out to Kent State University Main Campus--a 30 mile drive from where we live to find where I have to go for my February 1st meeting.  I am one fo those people who like to know exactly where I am going and how do I get there before I have to do it.  Since school starts Tuesday and I am in classes 5 days a week, I felt this was my only time to make that trip.

I found easily where I have to go for that meeting and it doesn't seem possible that in all reality it is only 17 days away. As you can tell I am very excited about this and will try to keep you posted as to what is going on.  I also went in to Cleveland to have my blood drawn for an upcoming doctors visit the end of the month.  This is my every three month check up and I will let you know those results as soon as I do.

Well book nine in this series is "Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West"  which I though was frankly an odd title for this charming story about the girls making friends who are in the "movie making business" as the book calls it.  Beth, Louise and Patsy, the ever loving nieces of Aunt Jane are back in California with Uncle John and meet new characters Mrs. Jane Montrose, Maude Stanton and Flo Stanton.  This Maude of course I think was named for Baum's greatest love his life, his wife Maude. There are some flattery descriptions of the chacter of Maude in the book  that I hope are in direct reference to  his wife.

Stanton if I remember right is somehow a family name that shows up in the Baum Family history, but I will have to do some homework and figure that one out again, than let all of you know.  This Mrs. Montorse happens to be Maude and Flo's very own Aunt Jane, which I found a bit confusing.  Baum at this point in my opinion should have chosen another name for the Aunt, but that is niether here nor there.

Maude and Flo are actresses for the Continental Film company and this pair of nieces get our girls Beth , Patsy and Louise into some rather curious and charming spots.  There is a near drowning and rescue of another new character  A. Jones loving nicknamed Ajo in most of th rest of the book.  There Ajo's rather odd illness, a mystery surrounding Ajo, a potential movie chain with movies geared to children only and most startling a potential pearl robbery that has Ajo as its primary suspect.

Slews of intrigue, tons of mystery, some rather amusing confrontations and a possible budding love interest make this book a charming read.  Aunt AJne's Nieces Out West was written in 1914 at a time when Baum was president of his very own film making business "The Oz Manufactoring Company".  This venture unfortunately in real life for Baum ended and his company nearly destroyed him financially.  The accusations of robbery are not fully settled till the second to last page and will keep you on your seat.

Published once again by Reilly & Britton Company of Chicago Aunt Jane's Nieces OUt West was illustrated by James McCracken, measures 7 3/4 x 5 1/2 and is 316 pages in length.  The origianl price was only sixty cents.  My copy of this book is a First edition, first printing.

Until the next time I hope you have enjoyed this brief reviews about this set of books and I hope you take the effort to find them for yourselves and read these delightful Baum books which for many have been lost to time.

Filmed Radio Show for our troops during World War II, rarely seen footage of Judy....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rest In Peace Meip Gies

On a personal note I was saddened to hear yesterday the following news.......

Tributes were pouring in today for Miep Gies, who helped hide Anne Frank's family in an Amsterdam attic. Gies, who died Monday, also preserved the famous journal that became "The Diary of a Young Girl." She worked in the office of Anne's father, Otto, and in early 1942, when the Franks went into hiding, she and her husband provided food and other supplies. After the family was betrayed and arrested, she found Anne's diary and kept it until the war ended.

 Excerpts of some tributes:

New York Times -- It was Mrs. Geis’s habit to deflect accolades for defying Nazi occupiers of Amsterdam ... . But to accept that self-description would be to overlook the remarkable selflessness and courage Mrs. Gies demonstrated, an example so powerful that it continues to inspire nearly 70 years later.

The Washington Post -- Her passing represented the loss of the only connection that Anne had to the present world, and that her fans, in turn, had to her. As years passed, and the Holocaust became something that happened a generation ago, then two, then three, Gies alone was our tie.

New York Daily News -- In the end she could not save Anne and her family from betrayal to the Nazis, even by risking all to protect them. But it was Gies who preserved the young girl's diary that will echo through the ages as an expression of faith in the face of incomprehensible evil.

On a ligther not I was happy to hear that Meip lived to be 100 years old and of course turned the home where the Frank's were hidden into a museum.  Meip was instrumental in keeping the story of Anne and her family alive and for reminding us  "NEVER AGAIN".  Rest in Peace my dear Meip, I know Ann is waiting for you in heaven to thank you personally for everything.  One person can make a  difference!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Till The Clouds Roll by.... Ad and other related things

You know for the first time in a long I finally feel like I have a voice! I feel as I am speaking and maybe it is because I have blogged every day this new year so far but I think it is more.

I think it is because I am finally speaking from my heart; openly, honestly, frankly and holding very little back. There is teh Oz/Judy collecting still and part of it is my new attitude.

Some Christians run around with this attitude of "What would Jesus Do", well gang my attitude here lately is "What would JUDY do"! Now I know Judy is no Jesus or vice a versa but it has changed the way I look at things.

I see Judy as this hell cat fighter, someone who did not give up easily. Someone like myself that had their problems and issues but fought and FOUGHT hard for what they had.

Judy had and has talent, so do I. Maybe not exactly singing like she did but none the less talent. While finally I am doing something to pursue it, advance that talent and make something of my self with that talent.

I in many ways see Judy as my muse, my inspiration, my guardian angel and for me personally this incredible role model flaws and all.

Well today's collectible is an old print ad for the movie "Till The Clouds Roll By" and this is one of Judy's movies I have not seen as of yet. It is a huge cast of stars and from what I have heard about the movie Judy like most of the others makes a cameo appearance and if I am correct singing behind a sink of dirty dishes as she is pregnant with Liza.

For me the title fits today post on many different levels. The first is it somewhat goes along with the post I did about Dr. Franky DOlan and his loss. It also goes along withthe response that post got written by a friend of mine Christina. BY the way kiddo----HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Chicago Mom! Sometimes I think the skies clear for a while the clouds roll by and we get a reprieve from our usual daily grind.

The illness may not be as bad that day, their may be a great movie on TV we catch, we have a great book to read, we get that loving call from a friend and the day brightens.  Those days may be few and precious but I am thankful for them.

I want to close today's post with a piece I wrote two nights ago......

The Night is Over

The horror of the night is over
The stillness is gone
The silence has faded
Into the light of day

The demons vanquished
The fear has gone
The day has begun.

Once the starving child
Shivering in the freezing cold
Unloved, unwanted, starving
Dressed in rags

No home,
No family,
No one who cares.

Day has dawned
Its rays beaming
Over the mountains

He finds the strength
To carry himself out
Of the place
Of that Hell.

A place he has
Lived for far to long
A place he should
Have left long ago.

Day has dawned
He has learned
To rely on himself
To find the answers

To nourish himself
To clothe himself
To love himself.

For if he can not
Do that for himself
Who will or can?

To be his own hero
To be his own Savior
To conquer the demons

Of what was
Of what is
Of what could be.

Bravely facing the unknown
For the first time in his life
Boldly taking the first steps

Into the unknown
Guarded by the hope that
The Night is Over.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I am ready for Disco to make the big comeback!!! Anybody notice that those boys are really packing those jeans!!!

What'cha Got - Wizard of Oz

What'cha Got - Wizard of Oz

Pay attention to the bedroom shot, because the quilt that you see on Fred And Cindy's bed I MADE and Fred bought while we were in Chesterton. I am on the news! Sort of!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Dorothy of Oz" by Roger Baum

Well as many of you know by now I love my Oz books, personally I think they are the best collectibles out there no doubt about it.  Back in September, when Jim and I wen to the Chesteron, Indiana Wizard of Oz Fesitval Roger Baum happened to be there.  It was the first time I had the opportunity to meet him and his ever charming wife.  I brought of course a stack of books for him to sign.  Which I have talked about before many first editions and rarer Baum books.  I felt and still do they are worth more signed by a family member.  Of course my newest book had to be signed as well and I can not begin to thank Roger enough for his extreme kindness to me.

Anyhow, Roger had books for sale as well.  Books I did not have, well kids I spent so much money there it is not even funny.  This book that I am going to talk about today has just sat in my satck of books to read since then.  I finally finished it a few days ago as there were other things I felt I wanted to blog about first.

Dorothy of Oz is the wonderfully charming sugary tale of Dorothy coming back to Oz to rescue her friends the Lion, Tinman and Scarecrow from a new character Jester.  He happens to be a court jester for new characters King Gayelette and Queen Quelala who are very minor characters in this story.

The Jester has happened to find the Wicked Witch of the West wand and is reeking havoc everywhere and Dorothy is brought to Oz to Stop him.  Other new characters include Wizer the Owl and Tugg a tugboat who happens to get involved in the story as well.

The Yellow Brick Road for some reason is no longer yellow, it rains all the time and of course their is that issue of the jester.  To find out how it all ends either e-mail me privately or try t find the book and read for yourself this wonderful journey.

"Dorothy Of Oz" is illustrated by Elizabeth Miles and there are over fifty illustrations in the book in the John R. Neill style.  Oublisher is Books of Wonder and the William Morrow and Company, Inc. of New York.  The book is 166 pages in lenght which includes the afterword.  A charming continued nightly story for any child and a  great read for the child at heart.

For those interested tomorrow my school books are available for sale and I am thinking of changing one of my classes to something that is non-studio time within my Fashion Design Degree.  I have to check it out, but will let you know how it all turns out.

I have one thing to say ....... You better.............

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Written by a friend of mine-- So moving

The following piece is written by a friend of mine Dr. Franky Dolan from San Fransisco who suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrom and is an Art Therapist/Hypnotherapist.  I hope you are as mived as I was wehn I read this---

Dr Dolan Reports:

There are so many levels of debilitation within the community of Invisible Diseases. In this new year, I want to speak to those who are fortunate enough to not be housebound. To all people, I say this, but especially to those who are physically able to get out of bed... I have one word of advice: Don't settle. Dream. Go big. Be honest. Be raw. ...I guess that would be a bunch of words of advice! But you catch my drift, right? It's totally fine to simply not know what direction you want to go down, just don't go down a direction that isn't calling you. With such limited energy, on all levels, remember that your time is worth more than gold. Too many people spend too much time following things outside of their dreams. Then they look back and wonder why their goals have not been achieved. It is a great feeling to have any level of success. If you are going to make great achievements, you need to work hard (more than most other people, I know) and, as difficult as it may be, pace yourself. Rest more than it feels like you need, and at the same time, push your boundaries a bit. Really live as richly as you can. Take nothing for granted and honor your brothers and sisters who are sick in bed, waiting for a hero to rise above and save our community. ...Until then, we are our own heroes.

I have a close friend who helped me to see my own heroism. She did not have an Invisible Disease, but she was one of the few who truly understood. She was a beautiful, beautiful person, one of those special sparks in this world. I met her so many years ago. We were both following our dreams, each living on a shoestring. We were actors. We were seekers of truth, and spreaders of passion and creation. She was tall, thin and striking with several pounds of thick black curly hair on her head. I was charming, but of course, and still a bit dorky with my own grip of passion. After a very long day of exhausting auditioning in a large Victorian building, we were paired together. We made it, it was Franky and Sandra. We were set to do a two-man show, touring the country and living our dreams. I quit my little job as a nanny (yes, I was a nanny, or, Male-nanny, or, "Manny!" Don't knock it!) and she was a framer. (Yeah, she actually had a job devoted to framing pictures.)

So there we were, two eager souls, putting everything on the line to live a life greater than what we were coming from. I risked it all, and so did she. I loved that about her! We learned our lines, memorized all the choreography and set off to tour as a two-person educational show for children. It was such indescribable fun! Some of the greatest memories of my life were made in only a few months, with dear sweet Sandra. I had already been having odd bouts of fatigue and pain, but was able to push myself forward, secretly repressing this plague that stole my energy and concentration. I was determined not to let this damn disease take everything from me. I didn’t tell anyone that I had health problems when I auditioned, and had no plans of letting anyone know throughout the run of the show either. But as fate often does, it stepped in and switched the gears of my life. I ended up having symptoms impossible to hide. Nobody knew what was happening to my body medically, but I got dramatically achy and dizzy, and I began to lose consciousness. At one point, I actually collapsed on stage, in front of hundreds of bewildered children.

Needless to say, I had no other choice but to call the producers and, for the first time in my life, I quit a show. I had been an actor off and on throughout my life (singer too, thank you very much) and I have been known to perform with the flu, laryngitis, broken bones etc., I never wanted to let anyone down! I was devastated to leave, and so was Sandra. Poor Sandra had to finish out the tour with some cheesy two-bit actor, but she and I kept in contact and our bond never wavered.

Sandra ended up a bit down and out after the show, but she kept her chin up. She moved to New York right after 9/11, saying that they needed more love over there. She landed in Brooklyn, scared and brave, fearless and strong. She met the greatest romantic love of her life and ended up working as an actress, fighting hard to live her life filled with dreams and all things good. So beautiful.

Why do I tell you all of this my friends? Because, she taught me something that all people can be reminded of. She was diagnosed with cancer, and it just kept spreading all over her body... We kept telling each other to keep going, keep moving forward. I thought about all of the days on the phone with her, as I was sick, and as she was sick. At one point, she said that cancer seemed easier than chronic fatigue syndrome. She was so generous and validating that way... But, sadly, just weeks ago, cancer took over her life and her body completely. Her soul had to leave her body, leaving millions of people with one less sparkle in the world. I heard that she died and the clock seemed to stop, my breath seemed to cave, my heart shattered in a trillion pieces. I can truly say that we were friends to the end. ..Though, I don't really believe that it is the 'end.' Among my tears and sorrows, I realized that she lived her dreams. She had such a full life, in a few years. Too many people live such small lives throughout the span of a lifetime, wishing that they had lived more. I am still really sick, now more than ever actually, but I realized that I can reach out and still do great things. Sandra did. So can I... So can you.

If you are able to leave your home on a regular basis, please go out, give to your own spirit as you give to the world. For those of us who are bound to our beds, know that though you may fall asleep alone, our dreams are the same. I am with you in spirit and in love.

Sending Love...
Dr Franky Dolan

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dreams of Kristin

I really believe that our dreams can be the gateway to our pasts, our present and also our futures. With that said I also feel that our dreams can also become our reality if we stick to what we really want and we strive to achieve it.  I am not talking about daydreams here like "golly I wish I could go to Paris", but those visions into our souls we have when we sleep.  Our bodies slowed down from the daily grind, our eyes shut and we in a deep, serene place of rest.

I feel those dreams come when we are at our most vulenerable, and I also feel that those dreams reveal who we really are.  That those dreams reveal what we need the most at that moment.  I have talked about dreams I have had with Judy in them and the most moving of them all the dream I had of little Joe Luft leading me to "Mama's casket" at Campbell's funeral home.  It is still the most vivid to me almost a year later.

With all of this said last night I had one of those dreams that well has changed me.  It was different phases of my life after Fashion Design school and me designing different Red Carpet, Charity, Award Show and Broadway pieces for the ever loveable Kristin Chenoweth.  Those funny, charming moments flashed across my dreams.  The privates jokes, the giggles and dahlinks their were a ton of them.  The fittings, the fabric selections and than seein her in my creations at the events.  It seemed like it went by in a flash.

Time marched on as I dream unfolded and the next thing I knew I was ina loft apartment I am assuming in New York in bed, very visibilly ill, very near death actually and s itting in a King Louis chair was Kristin holding my hand crying slightly.  She said "Sparky ( a nickname actually Suzi Wallace gave me) you are the greatest, you made me gorgeous and I love you for it always have.  I may have not said it enough but darling it is so true"  I simply smiled, visiblily gray hair what is left of it and very tired looking.  "You know Sparky, you are not going to die actually.  Believe it or not some of the Glinda magic does exist and well instead of dying I have arranged a special trip"

With that said there stood before me the 16 year old Judy Dorothy, she smiled held out her hand and as Kristin began singing "For Good" from Wicked I took Judy's hands and simply went to Oz.

Now I know everybody dies, but maybe when I do I will go to instead of "heaven".  Oz would after all be paradise.  What I want to happen is the chance to get to know Kristen on that level as a person.  To actually get to work with her, design for her and call her my friend.  Kristin, if you are reading I am ready now to sew for you

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some personal notes

Well after a three day wait I finally heard back from the Kent State UNiversity Fashion Design Program.. I called wanting information on how to apply and what I had to do to becomea part of it.

Well I needed my ACT/SAT scores which I have no idea if I even took those tests in school. I needed 12 hours of transferrable credit which as this point I do not. I have 6 and 2 1/2 years of non-accredited college credit from Virginia MArti College Of Design in Lakewood Ohio. Needless to say VMC is not a recognized accredited school according to Kent. Which is disheartening to say the least.

So I have an appointment On February 1 to meet with faculty, change my major form exploritory to Fashion and at that time will have 15 credit hours that are transferrable. All I need is better than a 2.5 GPA at that time.

It looks like at this time I will be in Fall classes that have studio time unless KSU decideds to add summer studio classes.  I can in summer take no-studio classes though and take them at the Stark Campus where I already attend.  So that is a huge relief.

The program is four years full-time which means I will be 47 when I am done or 51 if I go part time.  A period of time when most people are thinking of planning retirement.  ::::SIGH:::  well not me kids, either way life will just be beginning!  So keep me in your thoughts and prayers and in the mean time as Tim Gunn says "Make it WORK"!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Aunt Jane's Nieces On The Ranch

Well the next book in the installment of books by Edith Van Dyne, aka L. Frank Baum that I got for Christmas from Jim is "Aunt Jane's Nieces On The Ranch"

This delightfully charming book takes us on a brand new adventure full of mystery, intrigue and suspense. The story takes out to California at th El Cajon Ranch which belong to Arthur Weldon and his wife Louise Merrick Weldon, one of Aunt Jane's nieces. Right off the bat from nearly the beginning is introduced a very key character through out the entire story is five month old "Baby" Jane Weldon. Louise apparently has given birth to a capitivating baby who everyone adores is affectionately at time in the book called "Toodlums". Without baby not much of a story in my opinion.

Louise writes a letter to our girls Beth and Patsy back in New York saying "Baby" had fallen sick for a period of time and babies nurse had given here chilis as the cure.  Well needless to say Uncle John was appalled at the "awful Mexican Nurse" for such an ungodly cure for baby and decides to hire a nurse for baby and deliver himself that nurse in California.

Mildred Travers and Inez are introduced as babies nurses and Inez is right off very jealous and insecure of the educated nurse and all sorts of accustaions start to fly,  Milldred is carrying a very dark secret that till the end is not revealed, and I will not reveal here as it I feel gives away a good portion of the plot.

The story includes at times shady Mexican servants, hints of witch craft, an abduction of baby, missing treasure and highly charming and delightful neighbors including my favorite neighbor Bulwer Runyon a high tenor cowboy who affectionately is called "Bul Run".

What made this book comical for me was the character of "Baby" who a few times is referred to as Baby Jane, which of course in my gay mind said one simple thing the infamous Bette Davis charactor from "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".  I know this was YEARS before the movie and not what L. Frank Baum had in mind but every time baby was in a scene there was this image of a miniature Bette Davis in baby drag that came into view   I don't as before want to give the entire story away as I really want to encourage you to find the book and read it for yourself but if you have to know e-mail me privately and I will sahre the story.

Aunt Jane's Nieces on the Ranch was written in 1913, published once again by Reilly & Britton Company of Chicago and illustrated byE. A. Nelson.  The only illustrations as before are the front cover and the inside illustration..  The book measure 7 3/4 by 5 1/2 has 276 pages and origianlly sold for sixty cents.  The dition I have is a First Edition First printing, which the biggest clue to its identification is the listing of books on the inside according to "The Book Collector's Guide to L. Fran kBAum and Oz. 

Once again my edition was once a library book belonging to  the Saint Stephen Martyr School Library in Louisville, Kentucky and has their stamp and pocket for the check out card.  This book as well is also marked as belonging to Marie Seelbacj and the Seelbach Hotel City.  This now leaves two books in the series for me to read, and I hope youhave been enjoying the fact that I am reveiwing them to a degree and so far have blogged every day of the New Year.

As always happy Judy Garland and Wizrd of Oz collecting.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

American's Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push

KAMPALA, Uganda — Last March, three American evangelical Christians, whose teachings about “curing” homosexuals have been widely discredited in the United States, arrived here in Uganda’s capital to give a series of talks.

The theme of the event, according to Stephen Langa, its Ugandan organizer, was “the gay agenda — that whole hidden and dark agenda” — and the threat homosexuals posed to Bible-based values and the traditional African family.

For three days, according to participants and audio recordings, thousands of Ugandans, including police officers, teachers and national politicians, listened raptly to the Americans, who were presented as experts on homosexuality. The visitors discussed how to make gay people straight, how gay men often sodomized teenage boys and how “the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”

Now the three Americans are finding themselves on the defensive, saying they had no intention of helping stoke the kind of anger that could lead to what came next: a bill to impose a death sentence for homosexual behavior.

One month after the conference, a previously unknown Ugandan politician, who boasts of having evangelical friends in the American government, introduced the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009, which threatens to hang homosexuals, and, as a result, has put Uganda on a collision course with Western nations.

Donor countries, including the United States, are demanding that Uganda’s government drop the proposed law, saying it violates human rights, though Uganda’s minister of ethics and integrity (who previously tried to ban miniskirts) recently said, “Homosexuals can forget about human rights.”

The Ugandan government, facing the prospect of losing millions in foreign aid, is now indicating that it will back down, slightly, and change the death penalty provision to life in prison for some homosexuals. But the battle is far from over.

Instead, Uganda seems to have become a far-flung front line in the American culture wars, with American groups on both sides, the Christian right and gay activists, pouring in support and money as they get involved
“It’s a fight for their lives,” said Mai Kiang, a director at the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, a New York-based group that has channeled nearly $75,000 to Ugandan gay rights activists and expects that amount to grow.

The three Americans who spoke at the conference — Scott Lively, a missionary who has written several books against homosexuality, including “7 Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child”; Caleb Lee Brundidge, a self-described former gay man who leads “healing seminars”; and Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, whose mission is “mobilizing the body of Christ to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality” — are now trying to distance themselves from the bill.

“I feel duped,” Mr. Schmierer said, arguing that he had been invited to speak on “parenting skills” for families with gay children. He acknowledged telling audiences how homosexuals could be converted into heterosexuals, but he said he had no idea some Ugandans were contemplating the death penalty for homosexuality. That’s horrible, absolutely horrible,” he said. “Some of the nicest people I have ever met are gay people.”

Mr. Lively and Mr. Brundidge have made similar remarks in interviews or statements issued by their organizations. But the Ugandan organizers of the conference admit helping draft the bill, and Mr. Lively has acknowledged meeting with Ugandan lawmakers to discuss it. He even wrote on his blog in March that someone had likened their campaign to “a nuclear bomb against the gay agenda in Uganda.” Later, when confronted with criticism, Mr. Lively said he was very disappointed that the legislation was so harsh.

Human rights advocates in Uganda say the visit by the three Americans helped set in motion what could be a very dangerous cycle. Gay Ugandans already describe a world of beatings, blackmail, death threats like “Die Sodomite!” scrawled on their homes, constant harassment and even so-called correctional rape.

“Now we really have to go undercover,” said Stosh Mugisha, a gay rights activist who said she was pinned down in a guava orchard and raped by a farmhand who wanted to cure her of her attraction to girls. She said that she was impregnated and infected with H.I.V., but that her grandmother’s reaction was simply, “ ‘You are too stubborn.’ ”

Despite such attacks, many gay men and lesbians here said things had been getting better for them before the bill, at least enough to hold news conferences and publicly advocate for their rights. Now they worry that the bill could encourage lynchings. Already, mobs beat people to death for infractions as minor as stealing shoes.

“What these people have done is set the fire they can’t quench,” said the Rev. Kapya Kaoma, a Zambian who went undercover for six months to chronicle the relationship between the African anti-homosexual movement and American evangelicals.

Mr. Kaoma was at the conference and said that the three Americans “underestimated the homophobia in Uganda” and “what it means to Africans when you speak about a certain group trying to destroy their children and their families.” “When you speak like that,” he said, “Africans will fight to the death.”

Uganda is an exceptionally lush, mostly rural country where conservative Christian groups wield enormous influence. This is, after all, the land of proposed virginity scholarships, songs about Jesus playing in the airport, “Uganda is Blessed” bumper stickers on Parliament office doors and a suggestion by the president’s wife that a virginity census could be a way to fight AIDS.

During the Bush administration, American officials praised Uganda’s family-values policies and steered millions of dollars into abstinence programs.

Uganda has also become a magnet for American evangelical groups. Some of the best known Christian personalities have recently passed through here, often bringing with them anti-homosexuality messages, including the Rev. Rick Warren, who visited in 2008 and has compared homosexuality to pedophilia. (Mr. Warren recently condemned the anti-homosexuality bill, seeking to correct what he called “lies and errors and false reports” that he played a role in it.)

Many Africans view homosexuality as an immoral Western import, and the continent is full of harsh homophobic laws. In northern Nigeria, gay men can face death by stoning. Beyond Africa, a handful of Muslim countries, like Iran and Yemen, also have the death penalty for homosexuals. But many Ugandans said they thought that was going too far. A few even spoke out in support of gay people.

“I can defend them,” said Haj Medih, a Muslim taxi driver with many homosexual customers. “But I fear the what? The police, the government. They can arrest you and put you in the safe house, and for me, I don’t have any lawyer who can help me.”

Monday, January 4, 2010

"Jerry" Program for Billie Burke

Well the item today I want to talk about I have some time as well.  It goes beautifully with the sheet music I spoke about in here yesterday.  What that item is, is an original 1914- 1915 Theatre Program for the production of "Jerry" starring Billie Burke.  Billie Burke was presented by Charles Frohman and "Jerry" was a new comedy in four acts written by Catherine Chisholm Cushing.

Catherine Chisholm Cushing  (1874–1952), playwright. Born in Mt. Perry, Ohio, she scored a modest success with her first comedy, The Real Thing (1911). After writing Widow by Proxy (1913) for May Irwin, she enjoyed a smash hit with Kitty Mackay (1913), the story of a Scottish girl who falls in love with her half-brother. Also successful were Jerry (1914), a vehicle for Billie Burke, and her adaptation of Eleanor Porter's novel Pollyanna (1916). While many of Cushing's subsequent plays never reached New York, she had better luck as a librettist and lyricist. Her musical credits include Glorianna (1918), Lassie (1920), Marjolaine (1922), and Topsy and Eva (1923), a musical version of Uncle Tom's Cabin that was written for the Duncan Sisters and was one of the most profitable musicals of the decade.

"Jerry" from the research I did started at the Lyceum Theatre in New York City and opened on March 28, 1914 and ran only till May 1914 for only 41 performances. How it ended up in the Grand Theatre in Kansas City is anyone's guess but it is nice having such a rare piece of Billie Burke's fame.

The item I found on E-bay around the time I started back to school and if memory serves me right I paid around $13.00 for it which included shipping.  To think this throw away collectible has survived this long is just baffling, what I am thinking is that it belonged to an Oz collector like myself.  Fortunately it has a very good home now and I am so pleased in sharing it with you.

The photographs are of the entire program.  So I hope you enjoy seeing this rare and maybe hard to find item.  What I enjoy seeing in this program is the price for a Kansas City Hotel in 1916.  A mere $1.50 for the most expensive room they have available, if you could only do that today .  Hopefully you can find it for yourself and happy Oz/Judy hunting.

On a personal note, the last few days here have been freezing cold--typical Ohio January weather and for us some light snow.  I am however about over it all ready, and have begun thinking about Spring already!  I placed a call to the Fashion Design Program at Kent today and left a message about enrolling for it and what I have to do, so I am  awaiting her call.  I hope it isn't all that complicated.  And will more than likely enroll for the  program come summer unless I can rush into this semester now?  Who knows.

Think I am coming down with a slight cold as my nose is running all the time and my head just throbs but what is a fellow to do? I think I hear the bed calling my name.  Until next time gang.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Billie Burke Sheet Music

This item I have had a few months and it has just sat.  I really fell behind postig here for months as many of you know--well NO MORE!  If I want to pursue some kind of writing and putting a voice to what I am thinking than damn it I need to write!

Well Billie Burke did a Broadway/Vaudeville production in 1915-1916 that may have ran longer which I am trying to find out.  The production was called "Jerry" and I found on E-bay original sheet music for one of the songs from Jerry called "In Monterey".  This was the first time for me finding anything like this ever!  And well kids you maybe surprised when I say I paid only like $10.00 total which included the $3.00 shipping fee.

The cover as you can see has this beautiful picture of Billie on the front and I am happy to say all of the sheets as well.  What I would love to do is find someone to play this for me so I could possibly post here.  I think that would be the coolest.

In the meantime though I want to sahre the lyrics for the song.  Words were witten by Harry Williams and music was written by Neal Moret.  The publisher was Charles N. Daniels of San Francisco..

June time, what is that I hear? 
Spoontime, ringing in my ear;
It seems to want to say
Come dream in Monterey
Once more withme, my dear
I seem to see you there with me

In Monterey Where fishes play,
We sailed away Across the bay
Your eyes of blue Were playful too
'Twas then I knew What eyes could do
Forget the thrill I never will, dear
From now until I'm Old and grey
I'll bless the day In Monterey
The day you stole  my heart away In Monterey

June time, birds are on wing
Spoontime, Mission bells will ring
As the days of yore
When on that peaceful shore
Our songs of love we'd sing
Could you but be
Once more with me
(Sing Refrain Again)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

L. Frank Baum "Mother Goose" ad

Well as many of you know there is something about L. Frank Baum that draws me in, wanting to know more about the man behind the stories and of course getting the stories themselves. I wouldn't call it a love, like I have for Judy but it certainly a deep fascination. Hey maybe in his day I would have had a secret crush I mean after all considering the time frame and style changes he was and still is a rather attractive man. ?!

Anyway, yesterday Jim and I decided to go to one of our favorite antique malls the Medina Antique Mall which you could view at  anyhow while we were there I ran into this old edition of the "Ladies Home Journal".  Now I don't hardly ever look at an old magagizine like this one but I was standing there thinking that was the year Baum wrote Oz and maybe just maybe there would be something there.

Well no Oz, but the inside back cover had an ad for Pettijohn's Breakfast Food.  If you look at the ad for enclosing three cut out bears from the three boxes and an eight cent postage fee you got the first half of Mother Goose in Prose!

This book if you can imagine online the few times I have seen it is well over $250.00 so for me knowing that now 110 years ago you could have gotten it as a mail in freebie as they say is just thrilling!  The ad itself, just the ad kids, I have seen go on E-bay as high as $50.00 and well I got the whole freaking magazine for -----drumroll please----  $16.00.  Made my new year so much brighter.

Of course I am going to keep it intact in the magazine, but will photocopy it so I can frame it and hang it.  For those looking for the ad it is  "The Ladies Home Journal" June 1900 Edition  and the front of it is done in red see the photographs for the ad and the magazine here. So happy Oz/Baum/Garland hunting and if you find a treasure please feel free to contact me and I will share it here.