Well things here are busy, which seems to be the norm here lately. Between yard work, housework, gardening and even some doll/business work our plate has been full. I may have mentioned Jim went to day turn from afternoons now almost over a week ago and from what is called a 6 day pay versus an 8 day pay (this is out of 14 total)and he just loves it. He starts at 7:00 a.m and ends at 3:00 p.m. which leaves the rest of the day to call his own, it has given us so much more time together.
It has made it a little harder to deal with the business to a small degree because all of the calls and customers are coming while he is at work, which don't get me wrong it isn't like a steady stream of people now that we are out of the house--but still it can get goofy.
The strawberries we transplanted a while back are finally done producing and in all we ended up with 23 quarts for FREE and that as Martha Stewart says "Is a good thing". The pepper plants we have growing have tons of buds and so far out of the regular yellow,green and banana peppers we have the only one actually growing a pepper is the banana one. We have a few small tomatoes growing on the one plant we have, a ton of buds on the cucumber plants we have growing but no baby cucumbers as of yet and the English lavender is doing beautifully.
With the Lavender anybody know how to either make oil out of it or soap? Somebody said you could even cook or make tea with it? Is this right? If you know or have recipes I would love to have you leave them here in the comment space. Maybe somebody else is growing lavender.
Then the flowers oh my gosh where do I begin the Lilies are just beautiful this year--Yellow, Orange and those beautiful white ones with the red bumps on them. Then the hydrangea bush has gone berserk and is beyond words. The glads are doing well all 100 of them no signs of flowers yet but can't wait if they are as nice as last year it will be a treat. It has been nice bringing some of them into the house and having that fragrance just fill a room.
Jim did have that doctors appointment for the "enlarged aorta problem" and the doctor looked at Jim and said" I don't know what the hell the emergency room was thinking a few days back and what they hell they sent you here for it isn't anything but hardening of the arteries, if you lost a little weight and watched what you ate you would be perfect"! Go figure go scare the bejesus out of us and then its nothing--well at least it wasn't serious.
I can not believe it I finally have the one Oz piece I have wanted for since forever a very old (may not be the first edition) Frank L. Baums "The Wizard of Oz" and for the low E-bay price of $31.00. I just read this book 2 years ago and borrowed a reproduction from the library but now I own it. I may have to break down and buy the others as well as I have read like 4-5 of Mr. Baums work and just love it. Speaking of reading anybody else besides thyself about the last Harry Potter? I know I am and have my copy reserved now if our Borders could get there act together about the flipping tickets . Well I guess I'll close for now--- Charlie
It has made it a little harder to deal with the business to a small degree because all of the calls and customers are coming while he is at work, which don't get me wrong it isn't like a steady stream of people now that we are out of the house--but still it can get goofy.
The strawberries we transplanted a while back are finally done producing and in all we ended up with 23 quarts for FREE and that as Martha Stewart says "Is a good thing". The pepper plants we have growing have tons of buds and so far out of the regular yellow,green and banana peppers we have the only one actually growing a pepper is the banana one. We have a few small tomatoes growing on the one plant we have, a ton of buds on the cucumber plants we have growing but no baby cucumbers as of yet and the English lavender is doing beautifully.
With the Lavender anybody know how to either make oil out of it or soap? Somebody said you could even cook or make tea with it? Is this right? If you know or have recipes I would love to have you leave them here in the comment space. Maybe somebody else is growing lavender

Jim did have that doctors appointment for the "enlarged aorta problem" and the doctor looked at Jim and said" I don't know what the hell the emergency room was thinking a few days back and what they hell they sent you here for it isn't anything but hardening of the arteries, if you lost a little weight and watched what you ate you would be perfect"! Go figure go scare the bejesus out of us and then its nothing--well at least it wasn't serious.

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