The first one I have been on before but helps boost one of the others he prescribed. This drug is called Norvir which if I remeber right made me awful nauseous.
The second one is brand spanking new and is call Isentress. It has been on the market only a month now but is the newest format in which they are fighting AIDS. This drug is suppose to be

The last one is called Przista and attacks the virus cells from the outside goin inward which in combination of the previous drug will allegedly kill the virus cell completely, which until know has not been either.
If it sounds confusing it is--at least for me and while the temperature here is hovering between high 80's to 100 degrees and all these new medications I have not been the best camper. Very nauseous mos tof the time, looking at food makes my stomach turn sour and there are some rather intense headachs as well. But so far nothing the doctor hasn't worn me about. It does make trying to get doll work done hard but I am hoping this will pass in an other week and half.
Jim is schedudled for catarac surgery Monday so I ask you keep him your prayers and then the

Otherwise things have been just busy as usual and now with laying down in the middle of the afternoon becaus I am so naseous the day just seems to fly by. Hope all of you had a safe and wonderful Fourth of July and as always I ask that you keep me in your prayers.
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