Unfortunately it also means snow isn't far behind and months of it getting dark really early but I guess it is the price we pay for a glorious fall season. Hopefully G-d willing it won't mean months of being sick like it has meant the last 3 years for me.
I go for my 3 month check up with my regualr doctor and I am going to ask about this neuropathy problem as it is worse or so it seems, I wake up and my hands jsut throb in pain, and my the time I go to bed its unbearable. It makes doll work damn near impossible and for the life of me I
wish I could make that clearer that it is. It has been very hard trying to adjust to it and trying to make Jim fully understand what is happening and how concerned I am. For now all I seem to get is "we will deal with it when it happens".

I hate saying it but it is already here---it has created in my opinion somewhat of a strain between us as well, which I should say he doesn't see either--- and there are days where I don't get any work done at all. I would love to go back to "working" (which is not quite the right word) on what I want, when I want and I hate saying this but for myself.
I hate to vent like this but it seems like the only place I have to say what is really on my mind and in my heart and many of you are kind of enough to read it and some of you to even to respond to it. There are times when it feels like I am so alone it all.
Enough "depressing" news..... The newest Shi Itzu Toto ( who is a 2 year old girl) is adpating really well considering we have had her a little over a week and she and Glinda (that is the three year old feamle Shi Itzu) are getting along wonderfully and she finally has a little play mate. I also finally have "my lap dog", Toto loves curling up on my lap and falling asleep as I read or try to sew and she will do it for hours.
The classes at Akron General are going very well and i have another one tomorrow, which if all goes well I will post about tomorrow. Until then..............................
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