You know every now and then something happens that just makes you fee loved beyond words. Gestures sometimes speaks volumes more than anything else.
Yesterday was one of those days. In an attempt at getting better at running this blog, I want to try to share at least some thoughts on a daily basis. I have to commit myself to doing it.
Anyway as many of you know I have some really good days and some really bad ones and well the last few days have been the really bad days. I shared in my "Everything Oz" Yahoo group that I call it the "Fibro Crude days" This feeling like the Wicked Witch of the West set you on fire, took you on her broom a mile into the air then shoved you off. After which the Winkie guards of the witch did a Mexican hat dance on your remains before a house fell on you!
I thought it summed how I feel on my bad days. But what I wanted to talk about was unfettered kindness. the kind that comes from no where and makes you speechless. Our Everything Oz group has this Secret Pal program you can sign up for and you get a name to buy or make Ozzy tings for all year long or you can buy and make both.
Anyway a few days ago I was just stunned when I
got a package in my mailbox marked from E-bay. I knew I hadn't bought anything the money hasn't been there. It was a 5 x & color photograph of Kristin Chenowith dressed as Glinda from "Wicked" and signed! As you can tell the photo is just gorgeous. It was also my first real "Wicked" collectible other than some of the merchandise Barnes and Noble had last year.

In the meantime another friend of mine who knows who my Secret Pal is was asking me all sorts of questions about what I likes Oz wise, what I had and just a ton of questions so she could feed the info to my Secret Pal of course. Well I mentioned loving the Kristin piece so much that now I had to try to find an Idina Menzel piece to go with it .
Well yesterday which was a g-d awful day fibro wise that I was really depressed. I walked to the mailbox and Bingo another E-bay envelope. This time a 5 X 7 of Idina and Kristin together as Elphaba and Glinda and get this signed by BOTH of them!!
Well I had to sit down I was struck speechless and just cried and cried and cried I was so moved. Words do not begin to even describe how I felt. But I wanted to talk about it here because that simple act of kindness and friendship meant so very much.
It has been on rare occasions that someone does something like that and for me the last 2 months it has happened a few times--- So for this person Thank you for doing it so sweetly!
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