You know it has been hard the last few days getting over this cold, thankfully the laryngitis is gone and so is the nose blowing. But OY VEY this rash is just the limit let me tell you kids. According to my doctor its viral and will more than likely be 6 to 12 weeks before its gone, lucking flipping me huh! Oh well when your given lemons make lemon martini's , skip the lemonade and go for the hard stuff I always say.
I am on two new medications for it and my spirits well that a whole other story that we are just going to let lie like they say. Positive thinking and a perky attitude wins the battle right?
Speaking of positive and perky my sweetheart of a brother bought me last weekend and I just finished reading " A Little Bit Wicked" by Kristin Chenoweth---which of course was the first Briadway Galinda/Glinda in "Wicked". What a hoot, funny, sassy and like sitting with an old girlfriends and catching up on all the dirt, gossip and what is happening. My favorite stry involves this gentleman she calls "Der Upderkeister" and that is all I am going to say about that make you buy or borrow the book.
I also wanted to thank everybody for their prayers, notes of concern and love, and your "get well" tokens that were sent my way. It meant so much knowing how much I am loved.
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