This Monday was the start of the 2011 Fall Semester and with sixteen credit hours it is going to be a very full load, but I am not complaining. Courses if your curious are Women's Literature, Literature 1, Media/Power and Culture, Creative Non-Fiction and Writing Center Tutoring Course plus a four hour week week at the Writing Center.
That job as a tutor is the first real paying job I have had in twenty years and even though it is only four hours a week it is good being back in the workforce again. Words are really inadequate to describe the feeling after so many years of volunteer work. It's nothing against volunteering but it is a different animal when your paid. It is also going to hopefully a lot of fun as I get to help people with something I love to do---writing.
My Honors Class is Women's Literature and I am doing this ten page paper on Suffragist Matilda Joselyn Gage which I am very excited about. I began research into her about four weeks ago now when I was in Banner Elk, North Carolina for the International Wizard of Oz Club Convention. I will also be doing a small video on the Suffragist Movement. It is also the first time I am doing anything remotely Oz/Baum related for school but the plan is it will lead to a MUCH bigger project hopefully.
I also spoke with the director of the Honor's Program this week and am seriously thinking of continuing on and getting a Master's Degree but will make a decision closer to graduation in 2013. I also have started thinking about Spring 2012 classes and have a list started of classes I would like to take. I would have never thought two years ago that I would be so wrappped up into college life or that I would be doing so well but because I work so hard and focus a lot of my time on it I am doing I feel very well.
Well until sometime later today when I post some fashion stuff, try to have some fun and I'll see you then.
This site is about things I find interesting or feel you should know about--Fashion, men, news, politics, gay awareness issues and above all it's definitely GAY! I am a Kent State University English Major,striving to be a writer, and I am a 40-something Gay man so this should be a really fun visit... grab your favorite cocktail and enjoy reading.
According to

According to the 01/09/11
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