You may also notice that the blog not only being more Oz and Judy related is also going to reflect a more "gay" theme if you will, after all it is who I AM and I have decided to embrace that part of my life more, hopefully you will stay around for that journey as well. Posts and videos of "questionable" nature will be listed as such so you can skip them if you like--of course as always nothing vulgar---smile.
My parents were out to day for a very short visit and while they were here I am happy to report they took the door off the Judy/Oz room which frees up a lot more wall space. The Big Christmas tree that was in the room is also down it took me some time to do it the last few days but it is down. I found these really nice green ornaments so I am going to take a smaller tree and

Last night we went to the neighbors for a neighborhood New Years Eve party us and 5 other couples and they all played my Oz trivia game while I read the questions. I was politely told I knew too much about Oz and therefore had to read the questions. It was a lot of fun. Only 3 questions out of the night I did NOT know ---giggle!
The "cold" I have is about the same but it has made me really weak being in so much pain all the time, its odd as my family thinks I am on my way out--boy they don't know me do they.
My newest piece to the ever growing collection was purchased just a tiny bit before Christmas with funds I made off E-bay selling dolls--Hurrah for E-bay! Its a new "Wiz" selection for my
very small Wiz Collection. I have the movie and a signed Program that I spoke about a few weeks back. This piece is the original "Premiere" Program handed out to everybody at the Premiere of "The Wiz" now30 years ago. It has really great pictures of the movie and the cast. And for under $30.00 I felt well worth every penny.
Going to be keeping my eyes out for other "The Wiz" stuff to add to the collection--A Diana Ross or Michael Jackson autograph would be nice but than again I maybe dreaming.--oh well its that to to ease on down, ease on down that.....
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