It is hard for me to grasp that as a small child, people of color couldn't sit in the front of the bus, drink at the same fountain or even vote ----and yet today as history is made a man of color sits in office.
My heart rejoices that I have lived to see this moment happen, that this great, great, great grandson of a a southern family who owned slaves and was involved with the Klan was part of the change. That roots of the African American race run through my veins. That ancestor who had slaves also had a colored mistress as well and they had 9 of their own children while he and "his legal wife" had 10 of their own.
That I am not physically part of that history anymore and never was makes my heart lighter than ever. So many of us may have those same "shameful roots in our pasts" but so many of us are "light years" from those ideals ad opinions.
Tears filled my eyes today as Barack laid his hand on Abraham Lincolns Bible and took the oath of office. My heart is so hopeful that real change is not far away
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