Mind you I was walking very slowly as my balance is all screwed up and I really didn't want to fall again but off we went. This morning I got up sat on the bed and was very dizzy just sat there before standing and when I did took 4 or 5 steps and well you get the idea-- I fell again.
I am going to be very frank here and if you my readers find it disturbing I do apologize in advance but keep in mind it is how I am feeling right now.......
"I feel like I am getting very little support or maybe it is understanding in how bad I really feel right now. I am tired already in hearing are you any better today. Well lets see last year this lasted 4 months--Gee no I don't. I am really discouraged but I feel like I can't talk about it--that nobody gets why I feel this way. I feel like there is more going on than there appears to be. How can my doctor be so certain it is Costochondritis? Tired of being

OK I am down complaining-- I just ask all of you to keep me in your prayers as I struggle through this--- I go again on Wednesday to the doctor and am going t0 mention all of this and ask for her to run some more tests to ease my mind. Right now I am just very discouraged!.
Onto brighter subjects---- one of my newer acquisitions to my ever growing collection is a NEW autograph that I am just so excited about it is ................Kristin Chenoweth. From Broadways "Wicked" of course and then of course my favorite TV show "Pushing Daisies". The autograph has a caricature of Kristin by Marshall Jay Kaplan which in my opinon makes it that much more desirable.

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