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According to
According to the 01/09/11

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Warren Beatty's Son critizes Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono
Chaz Bono  
Stephen Ira, the transgender son of Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, recently attacked Chaza Bono in a blog post. Ira wrote that Bono is "a misogynist who does not represent us," reported the New York Post in a Nov. 17 article.

Cher’s son and ex-"Dancing With the Stars" cast member recently said that being a transgender person is "a birth defect, like a cleft palate," and "being male and having breasts is about the worst thing I could imagine."
Bono also said that "I never understood women before... but I had a tolerance for women that I don’t have now... There is something in testosterone that makes talking and gossiping really grating."
Ira has admitted undergoing hormonal treatment and blasted back at Cher’s son.
"I don’t want any rich white trans guy...telling the media that testosterone made him a misogynist...he has some deep-seated misogyny to work through."

This isn’t the first time Bono has been under attack. The Associated Press reported in a Sep. 1 article that Cher was defending her son on Twitter. The singer says that her son was being "viciously attacked" by online blogs when the cast of "Dancing With the Stars" was announced.

"This is Still America right? It took guts 2 do it," Cher tweeted. She also wrote that she supports him no matter what he chooses to do.

Although Ira may feel as though Bono isn’t the best representative of transgender people, the community has recently seen a progression for equality

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